[APP][Pro] Dashboards

Is it possible to remove or edit text in for example the slider ad on? I think the text is to big

And also, how do I open a dashboard or some device controls in modal?

@skogsaas Athom will come with dashboard in beta end of this month

It’s very simple

Thank for the heads-up! I’ve been waiting for it :ok_hand:
I knew it would be “basic”, but the custom app widgets actually threw me off :scream:
But that also means that I can package my entire dashboard solution as a widget in the future native Homey Dashboard :rofl: Best of both worlds?

This also means that I will try to release what I’ve working on before the end of the month! :muscle:


@skogsaas Give us a little Sneek peek hahah like athom did :slight_smile:

And you are right about the widgets :joy:

A sneek peek like Athom did? Well, I don’t have a podcast studio up and running. And no media budget :laughing:

But here’s a sneek peek on what’s on my laptop screen right now :computer:

To explain a little bit. What you see is me editing a dashboard. You can see nested widgets, each adding something to the resulting dashboard.

This is the result from that exact dashboard configuration when I press preview:

That dashboard basically generate a section for each device on my entire Homey, and for each device, it lists all capabilities as sensors.

The next version of this dashboard app, will allow users to create templates like the one I basically created now, and reuse them anywhere you want to. Some of the logical operations you will be able to do, is:

  • foreach zone/device/capability/variable/flow
  • switch based on capability/user/variable value/name/type/class

This will allow users to create dashboards that behaves and display differently based on user presence, device state, capability values, and so on. More or less anything will be possible as a conditional parameter.

This will also be a bit extreme for novice users. And because of this, templates will be shareable as basic JSON data. This can be hosted in a git-repository or on any public/private server. Basically; I’m making a template store where anyone can publish templates for public use, and anyone can use them in their own dashboards.

This will allow advanced template-makers to create complete dashboards that can be applied on any Homey and their zones/devices/flows.

More to come when it’s a bit more polished :wink:


Oh :star_struck: looking good and great

Can’t wait to try it !!

I’m pretty sure that there is already somewhere the solution in this thread.

I would like to integrate a meteogram from meteoblue (Image API | Umfassende Wetter Visualisierungen - meteoblue) into my dashboard. So basically I have an URL that returns an image (e.g. JPG or PNG).

So obviously iframe is no option. Ideally there would be some Homey device that automatically retrieves the image regularly (interval configurable, as there are access limits also), and that I can use to include the image of the device into the dashboard.

Is there any solution (Homey app) for that?