[APP][Pro] Dashboards

@Django, create a Virtual Device or Virtual Mode. Then rename the capability in the Dashboard.

Like so:

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This is not the case for the classic Pro 2019 and earlier models :partying_face: :gift_heart:

From what I know the 2019 and earlier models also work with UTC time since SDKv3, but the Insights aren’t affected / are fixed appearantly

I’ve posted a question about this to Athom :muscle:

It’s on the list :wink:

It’s on the list :wink:

I’m just repeating myself at this moment, but: It’s on the list :laughing:


And any news on the Asus-650 (KaKu)?
Thanks for all your work. I realy love it and allready created several dashboards.

I never do anything custom for integrating with a specific device. All integrations are handled by other Homey apps. If I’m to help you figure out if anything is wrong, I need more info. What type of control is displayed; toggle, slider, button, …? What isn’t working, adding the device to a dashboard, controlling it, displaying a value?

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It about a roller shutter from KaKu (Asun-650). There is only one capability to choose in the dashboard.

In the dashboard it only displays a value but no possibility to open or close

There we go! I’m guessing this is a ternary capability. Basically a capability that can have exactly 3 different states. It took me a while before figuring out what the hell this was. I haven’t implemented a control for this yet, you’ll have to wait a little longer as I’m working on a long list of other features at the moment :sweat_smile:


Thanks for your quick reply. No problem, I thought I did something wrong. I will wait and see when it is solved.

Hmmm… while we’re at the blinds subject :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
My blinds have a dim slider (is it the windowcoverings_set cap.?)
besides the ternary, which isn’t available in the widget yet :wink:

All capabilities:

You sure? :wink:
Because if I add a set of virtual blinds, and click the Position capability text, I get a slider as expected:

Hmmmm, turns out to be (android) browser dependent stuff :hugs:.
This time Firefox “gets it”, but I use Chrome by default.

When I click the position capability text, nothing happens (Android Chrome & duckduckgo)
But, when I add a slider widget, and I select the position capability, that one works.

But, as mentioned above, when I click the Position capability text with Firefox, the slider pops up and works as expected.
Only issue with FF is, the pop up screen won’t dissapear until I refresh the page :smirk:

On a linux desktop with Chrome, the slider does pop up…
No clue why it doesn’t on android Chrome mobile…

Today it starts to pop up. It was the moon and the stars probably

@skogsaas This behaviour is back.

Solved. I had to erase all dashboard, both browser and app dashboards.

Did you resently delete a device from your Homey?
Is it a long time since you last edited the dashboard?

I have two possible causes at the top of my mind :thinking:

Only one thing. I have renamed a dashboard device.

Update 0.12.0 - Major widget refactoring (possible breaking changes)

Hi all 254 of you who’s installed the Homey app!
That’s the only insight I have into how many follows this project. Even though this app is marked as private in the Homey App Store, meaning that it’s not listed if you search for Dashboard, that number is going up every day! Really motivating to see that so many manage to find the app in this tiny corner of the internet. Just in the last 3 days, over 50 new people have installed the app :muscle:

At some point I will make the app public, but not yet. Wax on, wax off!

Back to topic! The following update is quite large, and I’ve tried to test as much as possible to ensure widgets and dashboards are migrated correctly. But I know that this update includes so many changes, that something are doomed to break :sweat_smile:

In order to make an omelet, you have to break some eggs. I’m sorry in advance! Just keep me updated on broken eggs! :fried_egg:

Card and view

Previously you’ve had the capability widget card with a list of capabilities and their values. Some basic capabilities has been shown with a Toggle that allows for control right from the card. But others like the Thermostat required you to click the capability text to open a details view. To be able to support all your requests, like #47 Insights on capability details view and #49 Capabilities from different devices, I’ve now split each widget into a Card and View section. The card will determine how it is displayed on the dashboard, and the view determines what is displayed in the modal when you click the card.

This allows you you to have one condensed card.

And a view with completely different components when you click on it.

As you might notice, there’s a lot of new things happening in that last image.

This means that widgets are now added from the edit drawer. This is also where you switch between editing the card or the view. To edit the settings of a widget, just click it, to select it.

This is probably going to bite me in the ass, but you now select the order of widgets by dragging them around. This is going to allow me to add more cool stuff in the future :crossed_fingers:



Back to the custom icons. The app now allow you to select between 7296 different icons by the curtesy of this icon library: Material Design Icons.

As with most other pickers, you can search for what you want based on the name of the icon.

Capability and (new)device widget

Previously the capability widget allowed you to select multiple widgets from a single device. But in order to support mixing devices and capabilities in the same card, each capability widget now only support a single value. This means that in order to reduce breaking changes, the old capability widget is now split into a device widget that basically displays an icon and the name of a device, and multiple instances of the new capability widget for each of the old capabilities you had in the old dashboard. This is just to make it look the same in the new version.

Other stuff

I also have some other stuff that has been done/fixed:

Eggs broken :fried_egg:

  • Clicking a toggle opens the view

Wow, these are some improvements, very neat and smart.
It’s very kind of you wanting to make as less breaking changes as possible, but hey, this all is purely in test phase, I don’t mind at all if anything breaks or having to start from scratch again, when it’s easier for you to go ahead with the new ideas and improvements.
Thanks again for this very promising Dash!

Example, an over the top “All temperatures” view :nerd_face: :

Homey monitor:
Screenshot from 2023-10-02 05-33-29

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When officially released, I think you are up for the Nobel Prize :medal_military:


To be honest I have not read every post in detail so I can missed something.

What I found out that I cant dim lamps any more.

The level still stand on that 50%.

Here I’m using only homeyboard.github.io

Hi maybe i missed something, but I am using an Android tablet and i open the http://homeyboard.github.io/ page in a Chrome browser. I created dasboards online. But when i refresh the page of the browser i need to do it several times until i see the dasboards on the left side menu.
What I’m doing wrong?