[APP][Pro] Daikin AI

Thanks for the offer, be aware that close to 500 users are using version 3.2.1 without paring issues… Try this as a first step in solving your issue, please report the result.

using a webbrowser… enter http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/aircon/get_control_info url in your webbrowser, replace xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx with the IP-address of your airco, you should see a response like the one below.


Getting this on the higher capaciteit model:

And this on the one I gave the model nr for:

Homey Firmware 4.2.0-rc2, Node JS version 12 update. I myself upgraded and it seems that this firmware release candidate does not adversely impact Daikin AI.

Version 3.3.0 available for a test drive Daikin AI App voor Homey | Homey


  • This version implements the latest available Apollon77 Daikin API (v1.1.5).
  • When pairing new devices demo mode is now by default turned OFF (per request of many users…).
  • WiFi Adpdapter model used is no longer mentioned in the advanced settings menu.

Note to users of the old model range drivers, please consider updating… in late Q3-2020 I will remove support for these drivers completely.

Version 3.3.0 will soon be available on the “stable” channel of the Homey App Store.

Should we consider updating the application or the adapter all together?

Yes, both… using an approach like…

1/ update the app to v 3.3.0
2/ update your flows to the new v3 flow cards (old card shows as [v2]…)
3/ add the new adapter/driver, keep the original
4/ migrate your updated flows to the new adapter/driver
5/ delete the old driver

Hi @Homey_Lampje,

Points 1 and 2 are easy, but I’m not sure I understand points 3-5. Could you give some more information on those? Thanks!

Install your airco again using the v3 driver… so you will have 2 airco’s in the app while it is physically one and the same… in the v3 flows now replace old with new airco…does this help?

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Wanted to say thanks for the app! And mentions that app works with BRP069B1 controller and FTXP35L \ FTXP20L.

Also wanted to ask, what is the point of separate device for homekit? In general it works, but i can’t control fan and swing inside homey, which works fine with non homekit device, is it possible to have both?

Model Homekit exists only so that people can control their airco using Siri voice commands, it is not possible to control the airco’s ‘special’ functions like fan speed, swing mode etc using voice commands.

I may be wrong, but doesn’t homekit apps pass to homekit only suppported capabilities? So basically homekit device is subset of normal device?
How can i use both siri and control fan \ swing from homey, e.g. from flows? Should i add same ac twice, as normal and as homekit device? I know i can use virtual devices but that will be a lot of flows to sync ac to virtual thermostat

Correct, that’s why there is a separate homekit driver with only support for natively supported functions of Homey and Homekit. The non Homekit driver uses all custom capabilities which aren’t standard for Homey nor Homekit.

Adding both at the same time I would not advice, so don’t complaint when things get messed up :wink:

Hey Lampje,
Do we need to update the BRP adapter as well or can we keep on using the existing one?

Both WiFi adapter types are supported, I just do not identify them any longer as such in the app. In stead you can now switch between the old and the new Daikin communication protocol.

Note: as of version 4.x.x all users that did not already upgrade to one of the 2 new model drivers will no longer be able to control their airco from the app as I will remove all backward compatibility for the old model drivers (named emura, nexura, sensira, etc.) from the app.

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Thanks for this app, works almost like a charm.
I have a FTXM35N2V1B with BRP069B adapter added as Model HomeKit and works perfectly.

I also have a FBA35A2VEB9 with BRP069A81 adapter; also added as Model HomeKit but on this one switching on, modify modes (heat, airco) work, but switching off doesn’t work. Also changing temp reflects correctly to the airco but on HomeKit and Homey the selected temp goes back to 10°C after having selected and reflected on the wall mounted remote. Could it be a bug or should I have to do something else?
If I go to http://IP/aircon/get_control_info I get this:

Where the temperature values update at my input.

Just for ref on the FTXM35N2V1B one (the one working correctly) I get this:

Thanks for everything

FBA35A2VEB9 is this a ducted/ceiling model?

Yes it is.

Sorry to say but… these airco’s use a different communication protocol.