[APP][Pro] Custom Logic

Custom Logic for Homey

Custom Logic is a Homey app that allows you to control your tokens and flows with ease.

Download the most current live version in the Homey App Store!

Download the most current test version in the Homey App Store!

Currently has support for:

Action cards (only for advanced flows)
:rice_scene: Image Display: Fetch and display images from a URL as tokens with the ‘temporary-image’ action card by providing the ‘imageUrl’ parameter.
:heavy_plus_sign: Calculate: Evaluate mathematical expressions with the ‘calculate-float’ and ‘calculate-int’ action cards.
:date: Days: Calculate number of days between 2 dates
:1234: Random Numbers: Generate random numbers using ‘generate-random-number’ with defined ranges.
:spiral_calendar: Leap Year: Check for leap years with the ‘check-leap-year’ action card by providing the ‘year’ parameter.
:man_lifting_weights: BMI Calculation: Calculate BMI with the ‘calculate-bmi’ action card using ‘weight’ and ‘height’ parameters.
:heavy_plus_sign: Mathematical Operations: Perform calculations with operators (+, -, *, /) using the ‘calculate’ action card with ‘number1’, ‘number2’, and ‘text’ (operator) parameters.
:1234: Temporary Values: Store and retrieve temporary values (numbers, strings, URLs, and images) using ‘temporary-number’, ‘temporary-string’, ‘temporary-url’, and ‘temporary-image’ action cards.

Condition cards
:arrow_upper_right: Number Greater Than: Check if one number is greater than another with the ‘number_greater_than’ condition card. Provide ‘number’ and ‘number2’ parameters.
:arrow_lower_right: Number Less Than: Determine if one number is less than another using the ‘number_less_than’ condition card. Specify ‘number’ and ‘number2’ parameters.
:speech_balloon: Text Has Value: Verify if a text contains a specific value with the ‘text_has_value’ condition card. Use ‘text’ and ‘waarde’ parameters.
:speech_balloon: Text Has Exactly: Check if a text is exactly equal to a specified value using the ‘text_has_exactly’ condition card. Provide ‘text’ and ‘waarde’ parameters.
:heavy_equals_sign: Boolean Is Exactly: Determine if a boolean value is exactly equal to ‘true’ with the ‘boolean_is_exactly’ condition card. Provide the ‘boolean’ parameter.

:gear: Install Custom Logic app from the Homey app store and start creating advanced flows!

:speech_balloon: Supported languages:

:uk: :netherlands: :de: :fr: :it: :sweden: :norway: :es: :denmark: :ru: :poland:

:computer: Apps made by @LRvdLinden

See for more apps link below đŸ‘‡đŸ» or just open the pull down.


If you appreciate this apps, contribute to future development by making a paypal contribution

or buy me a couple of :beers: or a :coffee: with iDeal or Bunq.me or become a surporter on Patreon


:sparkles: Version 1.0.4

New Live version!

New: First Release

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Custom Logic - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email and issues in the input field to make it easier)

:sparkles: Version 1.0.5

New Live version!

Fix: Boolean condition card

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Custom Logic - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email and issues in the input field to make it easier)

Bug reported via mobile app.
Diagnostic report no.: 0f7b4565-1ba7-450a-ad08-8dc2de3bcb22

:sparkles: Version 1.0.6

New test version!

Fix: Fix action card to generate random number (@DirkG)

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Custom Logic - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email and issues in the input field to make it easier)

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Hi LĂ©on,

any news about the bug with the “random number” flow card? It works perfektly with integral numbers, but not with decimals.

Will check it soon (within a week).
Strange story.

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Hello everyone,

I’m using the “Custom Logic” app on Homey to calculate the difference in days between two dates. The function works well, but I have a problem with the input date formats. I receive dates in two different formats: dd/mm/yyyy (e.g., 01/09/2024) and yyyy/mm/dd (e.g., 2024/09/01).

Is there a way in “Custom Logic” to automatically convert these dates to a single format (preferably yyyy/mm/dd) before calculating the difference in days? If not, is there a workaround or a script that could help achieve this?

Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions!

Good afternoon all,

I have been trying to get some calculations done in the advance flows using a number of apps and the standard logic flow.

however homey doesnt recognize any of the mathematical experssions, items like +, -. *, / work fine but nothing a bit more specific like EXP(X) or LN(X).

in this case i get either 43 (so nothing as it is the anwser to everything) or in for example a custom logic app the error message that “exp(2) is not a mathemetical expression”, more simple formules adding, or extracting work without any problems.

has anyone ran into something similair before?

Depending on the flow card try this:

  • math.exp(2)
  • {{math.exp(2)}}

Did try a couple of those already indeed;

same result for both variants again in different apps and the standard available logic flows.
as per reference also inserted another formula which goes through just ok;

I normally use the Better Logic Library app with its flow cards to perform calculations. Using the ‘calculate as tag’ card, the following expression works:

that worked! thanks for the help! (and time to get rid of the custom logic app ;))

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