[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

I have connected a Shelly Plus i4 via WiFi to the network where the Homey Pro is also located.

If I open or close a contact, this is immediately visible in the Shelly app.
But in the Homey Pro this is only detected after 40 and sometimes even 60 seconds.

The contact must therefore have the same status all the time. Otherwise, Homey Pro will not detect the change of contact status.

This will not work if you want to detect a short signal (push button).

Shelly Plus i4 (firmware: 20240625-122845/1.3.3-gbdfd9b3)

Find the official app Thread on this forum and read the first post. It contains all the information you need.

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Shelly H&T Plus update status.

Hi, i have severel Shelly H & T and some H & T plus connected to my Homey Pro 2023. Since about a week, the plus ones have not been updating any of the parameters, like temperature or humidity. This happened once, for 2 days, and then in updated, don’t know why, and it has now been 3 days, with no updates.

This is cause for concern, for me, because my HVAC system is working based on the shellys readings.

Ive tried booting the H & Ts plus, the homey app and the shelly up, with no luck. In the Shelly app the temperature is being updated just fine.

Best regards, thanks for any help in advance

To be honest, I wouldn’t trust Homey to handle critical systems. At least have a separate failsafe.

Have you read the first post of this thread, specifically the “Troubleshooting” section?

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I just paired a shelly plus 2 pm and I only get 1 channel accessible in Homey Pro.
Anyone got a clue?

BR HĂ„kan

Hi HĂ„kan,

please check the first post in this topic for detailed informations.

It’s either configured as roller shutter (which adds 1 channel), something went wrong with pairing and you need to remove and re-pair it again or its an actual bug. Please check and confirm the first two options first.

I get this information when I trying.
Not Found: PairSession with ID b81b5195-740f-47ad-af7f-64b5ae64cca5

Still just one channel

I have 2 channels in the shelly-app

That’s a Homey issue, usually caused by leaving the pairing wizard during pairing (for instance when copying password from other apps). Try pairing through the webui (my.homey.app).

Now I got 2 channels, thank you very much.
Extremly fast response, impressive.

I run into the issue that the Shelly app on my Homey Pro 2023 crashes when I try to open the settings menu (cog wheel) of a specific Shelly device. This happens on iOS and iPad OS, but not in the Homey Web App.

I have a Shelly 1PM Gen3 module with the Shelly Plus Add-On module. To the latter, two DS18B20 temperature sensors are connected. This set is represented as one device in Homey Pro. This device has the said issue.

I also have a Shelly Plus Plus S v2 plug. This device has no problems opening the settings menu.

Before the Shelly app crashes I get the following error message:

Any idea what is causing the issue and how to solve it?

Looks like a bug in the Homey iOS app, you should report it to Athom.

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I reached out to Athom. They provided the following work-around that solved the issues in my case:

  • Go to the device’s settings via the Homey Web App;
  • Change the ‘What’s plugged in’ setting to something else (like TV).

After this change the device’s settings page can be opened without error in the Homey app on iOS/PadOS. Also after changing back the ‘What’s plugged in’ setting to its original value (‘Other’ in my case), the settings screen remains accessible.

The energy status of Shelly wave PRO 2PM is not updated (actual W and kWh). The values ​​are only picked up when the Shelly APP is restarted and remain that way until the next restart of the Shelly APP.

Wondering when the Shelly integration supports Shelly Virtual components (new function of Shelly Gen3 and Pro devices). I would expection those integrated to be read and written by Homey.

Read the first post.

It does. I only need the app the virtual button which was added to the firmware at a later time.

I am using some Shelly Blu Motion sensors but Homey seems very slow in picking them up and often totally misses a triggering.

The sensors and the connection are fine, they are totally reliable and fast in the Shelly app. Other sensors, like Fibaro all work without any delay.

Does somebody have any suggestions?

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Read the first post of this topic.

Hi, I just installed a flow rate device with shelly uni. I got the correct values in the shelly app but cant get a live value into the Homey Pro. Any suggestions on how to solve that?