[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Thank you! It works…

after every Update of Homey (today V. 11.1.2) I have to correct the settings for Outbound Websocket for every Shelly. Is this normal?

There is a mechanism in the app that checks if the outbound websocket is configured to report to the IP address of Homey. If it’s not it will update that setting with Homey’s IP address as this is needed to syncen the status.

If your Homey has another IP you might have both WiFi and Ethernet active and your Homey is reporting the wrong IP address (or you mixed that up yourself and are changing it back to a other value unneeded).

Hi Phuturist, thank you very much for your fast answer. As you suspected, I connected Homey via LAN and WLAN (because I installed LAN later). For whatever reason trying to ping the LAN address does not work. In my Fritz the LAN-connection is shown as active, in the App sysInternals WiFi and LAN Connected is Yes.
Could it be that homey is not reachable during the homey update and the shelly app tries the LAN address, does not reach it and then enters a different address?
What can I do as a solution?

In my homey was a wrong adress in settings - common - Ethernet-adress!
Changing LAN-cable from direct Fritzbox to a connected hub it shows the correct adress.
Now also ping to the LAN-Homey is ok!

Is it normal that Shellies only work when Homey also connected via WLAN?

NO - problem solved - see comment below

Thank you for your help

Consider disabling Homey’s wifi. Push the pin for 8s but not longer than 30s, to start the setup menu.

Hello Peter, thank you for your help.
I have disabled WLAN, now my Homey is connected only via LAN.
But all of my Shelly WLAN devices are now not available.
I deleted 1 Shelly and tried to add it without success.
I can only add/ use the WLAN-Shellies when I activate WLAN in Homey - is this normal?

Maybe the problem was that my homey shows a wrong ethernet-adress. I put the LAN cable instead direct into Fritzbox into a hub and now it shows correct adress. I will try later to connect the shellies after disabling wlan in homey.

problem solved - see comment below

Can’t include Shelly pro 1pm din to Homey Pro 2018.
When trying to include it asks me to press the s button which doesn’t exists on the din mount version!?
What to do?

You could try adding it with the WiFi driver instead of the Wave driver as this is a WiFi device and not a Z-Wave device … :thinking:

Thank you - the problem is solved.
Connecting the LAN-Cable direct to my Fritzbox showed a wrong IP-Adress, connecting via Hub was ok. Now I disabled WLAN and nevertheless all works well!

Yesterday I got a new modem/router. Because of that my Shelly plugs all got another IP Address. In Homey I have to change al those IP Adresses in the settings. Is there a way the Homey app ‘sees’ the new IP Address and change it? Or is changing it manually the only way?

Not if both the IP of Homey and the IP of the device has changed. In this case the device cant report it’s new address and Homey cant report it’s address to the device. It’s a dead lock.

Just for my info, Jelger, do you mean:
if Ralph reserves the same ‘old’ IP address for Homey on the new router, the Shelly’s should be found by Homey?
if the subnet is unchanged of course

Yes, the device will unicast CoAP messages (gen1) or send websocket messages (gen2) to this address and the app is able to figure out that the IP address of the device from which these messages where send has been updated and will correct the config of the device in Homey automagically.

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Okay, both Homey ánd the Shelly Plugs got new IP Addresses. I was hoping de Shelly App from Homey was able to fetch the IP Addressen from the Shelly app.

That would mean having to connect to Homey Cloud, that is something to avoid instead of wanting it … :wink:

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Is it possible to add a virtual button in Shelly that I can add to my Shelly Wall Display and then use to trigger a flow in Homey? If so, can someone guide me on how to create that virtual button? I can only find the option in my Shelly app to add physical devices. I also tried to go directly to the web UI of the wall display without finding an option to add one.

I tried to add my Shelly Pro 3EM. It is connected through ethernet with the Homey Pro. During adding the devices I pick shelly wifi device, and it finds almost imediately the shelly 3em.

But the below error occurs.

Translation: “no suitable device config found. Probably the device is not supported yet. “

Both the shelly and the homey with the app say they have the newest updates / firmware installed.

Apparently I missed the model number or it’s a new hardware revision which I wasnt made aware of. I’ll add it with the next release.

Thanks for the quick reply, is it ok to ask when the next update is scheduled?

It’s not scheduled yet.