[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Why would the Shelly developer spend time (and, thus, money) to implement something that can be handled by Logic cards? They’re not getting paid for their app, nor will they get paid when a user upgrades to Homey Premium to allow for Logic to work, so there’s no incentive at all to implement those cards just to appease the users that aren’t willing to pay for the service.

You’re not paying for the Shelly app, you’re paying for Homey Premium. The app is free.

Have fun with Google Home :+1:t2:

This is not what I meant. I meant : why have to go for Homey Premium when using Shelly devices and not when using, for instance, Tado devices ? Where is the logic ?

Anyway, don’t want to argue with you guys. I found a way to make it work (for free…) with Google Home. So, to achieve exactly same end result, not really willing to pay 3€/month when I can get the same for free…
I know, with Google nothing is free (…), but I guess Google knows much more about me with the searches I make or reading my emails than with the Google Home scripts I write.
I don’t mean either Homey is not good (it is good) but somehow the logic is quite strange.

I’d still like to explain this “no logic”: developers are free to add as much AND cards they like. Most don’t however, as Robert explained already, while it’s not needed in most cases, because of the logic cards system.
Some devs do occasionally add some AND cards on request, others don’t. That’s all there is to it.

With thát system in place, Athom really can’t hide the logic AND cards behind a pay wall imho, unlike the When and Then cards.
Of course they try to gain paying subscribers, but then they should cripple or limit other things to try to push users to Premium.

Totally agree.
There are 4 additional features to the Premium subscription : unlimited devices (instead of max 5), advanced flows, insights, logic & variables.
The first three, to me, make perfect sense as they really bring important additional value. The last one (logic & variables) is, I think, more questionable… as it almost prevent using (as you said, depending on which cards have been developed) even basic flows. And Homey without flows…
Also, makes sense they are much more available apps in Homey Pro than in Homey Cloud (even for apps using Cloud integration).
I totally understand Athom needs to make money but maybe they should reconsider their paid features for Homey Cloud ? Meanwhile, just have to hope developers will make all required cards, instead of having to rely on logic & variables.
My two cents thoughts… :thinking:


I need to call up scenes with 4 buttons. I read about Shelly PLUS I4 and that the Z-Wave version does not work properly if it has older software. Is it better to choose the WiFi version? Can this device receive single or double button clicks? Sorry for the question

Source please?
It has only 2 firmware versions

Initial firmware of the Shelly Wave i4 has an issue with updating the inputs (binary switch), see known issues in the first post. You will not be affected by it if you will be using it with buttons. Both WiFi and Z-Wave version are able to register various button events like single, double, triple and long press.

Thank you, so if I understand correctly, regardless of the version of Z-Wave vs wifi, if I connect the Shelly i4 to the button, Homey will detect these clicks without any problems or delays?

Sorry if this is a noob question but how do I do below:
There is a known bug in Homey with setting multichannel Z-Wave association upon pairing the device. You will need to go into the Z-Wave parameters under the main node and first change the association of group 1 from 1.1 to 1 and save it. Then change it back to 1.1 and save it again and the issue is resolved.

When I go to the developer web portal I can see this parameter but there is no option to edit it and I have not found anything in the mobile app for this either

I have been using shelly uni for a while. I have now extended my use with one of my uni´s and need to reading the ADC-voltage. for some reason the ADC voltage is only visible in one of the channels. (unfortunatley not the channel I want) -It is a small problem, cause I can use the other channel in my flows, but it is not “pretty” :slight_smile:
Is there any way to enable ADC on the other channel as well?

Device wide settings are always only available under channel 1 and not under all channels.

I see, but then I would not call it “device wide” :wink:
And why is ADC voltage visible in channel 2 when it never will show anything at all ?
I would in that case remove it completley ( just like RSSI signal status is only visible in channel 1)

That would be a bug. I’ll remove it from channel 2 with the next release.

The raw configuration parameters input field is missing for shelly wave pro 2 pm

how can I change the switch type?

Why use raw commands? You can just change Z-Wave parameter under the device settings of channel 1.

I have no idea what you mean with this but I’m pretty sure it’s not true. Follow the guide from the first post.

This morning the Shelly app was unavailable and my devices did not respond. Had to reboot Homey to fix it. Had this something to with all the updates yesterday?

Also i see that my energy reports are not working (Shelly Wave Rollershuter). I cant see the power usage and overall consumption. How can i fix this? I did the group swap from 1.1 to 1 and visa versa.

Hope you can help.

The app not starting up properly after the update is a Homey issue. Out of my hands.

Dont know, nothing changed in that area with the latest updates as far as I’m aware. I doubt I’ll see anything in the logging but feel free to send me a diagnostic report. You could try removing and re-adding the device to see if that makes a difference.


I bought one from shelly just 8 days ago, because of the fibaro’s getting broken 1 by 1. Since i added the one from Shelly i did not ever got any energy indications (power and energy). Not sure if i did something wrong.

Nothing in the log. Either you did not apply the association group fix properly or have set the Z-Wave parameters in a way that it never reports it’s value like setting the Power Consumption Reporting parameter (40) to a setting in a way it never reports it’s value. You could try and reset the device to start clean.