[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Feared so. Thanks door the reply, I reported it.

I managed to run a Shelly Wave shutter on one shutter.
It run up and down with the wall button and the homey app but impossible to perform a calibration.
So I’m not able to stop the shutter in the wanted position on the Homey app.
In the Shelly documentation it’s written to but the shutter completely opened, on the Homey app, completely closed… I try both, it only move for 20cm and stop and doesn’t finish the calibration.
Anyone can help ?

It’s working again. However. I lost all my devices and all my flows are broken… So that sucks.

I know / found out when trial subscription ended.
But, still using logic ‘AND’ cards for missing app ‘AND’ cards is the way to go imho, but Athom created a ‘trap’ now.

Athom does not provide for a system which generates ‘AND’ cards for app developers.
Because, logic cards can be used for that / ought to be used for that;
Now, they seem to have found a way to ‘drag users in’ by making logic Homey Cloud a paid option.

Result: users without Homey Cloud Premium subscription probably
go nagging/blaiming devs, for not providing for app AND cards.

Imho they should blaim Athom, or pay the €3/month fee


i’m having trouble adding an 1 mini gen 3 In homey. Iwe followed the steps: Added to wifi network using the shelly app. Updated the firmware. But still trying to find/search nothing is found. (manual paring don’t work)

Ohh and i can access and control it by browsing its ip. And through shelly smartphone app.

Thankful for any help or tip

@Chrille The first post have some tips for pairing the Shelly devices.
Did you read them? Just a question.

@Mike1233 Ohh sorry Yes, i did followed the steps (in the first post).

Also tried removed and reinstalled the homey-shelly app. Without any luck.

If devices aren’t discovered they are either already paired or there is something in your network misconfigured and Homey does not receive the mDNS broadcasts send from the device. It’s all in the first post.

@Phuturist Thanks for the reference, they fixed it. To bad I was to trigger happy with reinstalling the app, it means an evening setting everything up again.

What did you do? Just hitting the install button from the app store reinstalls the app but doesn’t remove the devices.

Sorry for late reply, have been trying to remove and add and I actually bought a new one hoping it would work. But unfortunate its exactly the same problem. I have 3 of them, one was paired a long time ago and is still 4 devices in homey. The other two just end up with a colour device. I also tried both with web and android app.

Is there a archive of the app somewhere so I could perhaps try to install a older version?

I added the new RGBW2 again a couple of minutes ago via the web app, this is a screenshot from developer tools. Should I perhaps enable logging on the device and add it and see if there is some information?

That wouldnt help. It’s either something strange in your config or you are I just tested again. Works fine for me on app version 3.29.5 and firmware 1.14.0 or 1.14.1 rc1. Could you post the output from /shelly from the device that paired as a RGBW2 color.

And is this on Homey Pro or Homey Cloud? And did you pair it using mDNS discovery or by manually entering the IP address of the device? Does the device have authentication enabled? And did you try and set a custom icon during pairing?

{"type":"SHRGBW2","mac":"48E72965B5F9","auth":false,"fw":"20230913-131259/v1.14.0-gcb84623","discoverable":false,"longid":1,"num_outputs":4, "mode":"white"}

That device shows up as color.

Its Homey Pro (HP 2023) running version v11.1.1. I manually entered the IP (they are on different subnets). No authtentification. No change of icon. Should I try to set it on the same network?

updating my Homey Pro (Early 2023) to Version 11.1.1 all of my shellies (without Shelly Gen3 H&T) have lost the setting for outbound websocket. Other settings remained preserved. Using actions in Shelly with webhook were ok but have the disadvantage, that parameters like power consuption,… were actualised in Homey very slow. Do others also have the problem that the websocket setting has to be updated after every update?

Please mention stuff like that next time, I saves me precious time identifying the issue.

Sorry about that. Should have mentioned.

You can define actions in the shelly app sending a webhook to homey when switching on/ off.
Maybe this will help you.

I managed to do it (get humidity from both Tado and Shelly devices) leveraging Google Home scripts and I found it more powerful, thanks to possibility of multiple “When triggers” (“starters” for Google) and availability of “And” conditions for all devices. I had to wrote only 3 Google Home scripts against 10 Homey Flows.
Homey looked nice but due to the lack of “And cards” for Shelly, I have to switch to Google Home. :roll_eyes:

That’s not the problem, the problem is lack of AND cards when not wanting to pay for Homey Premium. Completely unrelated to the Shelly app.


Not really. AND cards are available for Tado, why not for Shelly ?
Yes, as a workaround, could used Logic cards but, as you say, this is paid feature. Why have to pay for Shelly when you don’t have for Tado !?