[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Thx for the fast answers.
I have rebooted after setting the outbound websocket and it worked for a few days.
The Shellys are only connected to the Original Shelly App and Homey.
Homey WLAN and LAN and the Shellys have fixed IP adress.

Havenā€™t got a clue then, perhaps itā€™s a faulty unit. Does it loose other settings as well?

The settings for WLAN and static IP stay correct.
BTW: Is it necessary to define static IP in Shelly or is it enough to define it in the router (Fritzbox)?

Yes I did reboot and just to make sure did it again and againā€¦

Here you have one of the of those CoAP Packets the shelly sends to

0000   01 00 5e 00 01 bb 78 04 73 f6 44 11 08 00 45 00   ..^...x.s.D...E.
0010   00 dd 01 a6 00 00 80 11 3e f7 c0 a8 57 0f e0 00   ........>...W...
0020   01 bb 16 33 16 33 00 c9 cb fc 50 1e 0f ee b3 63   ...3.3....P....c
0030   69 74 01 73 ed 0b ec 03 53 48 53 57 2d 34 34 23   it.s....SHSW-44#
0040   46 36 34 34 31 31 23 31 d2 43 96 00 82 01 00 ff   F64411#1.C......
0050   7b 22 47 22 3a 5b 5b 30 2c 31 31 31 2c 30 2e 30   {"G":[[0,111,0.0
0060   30 30 30 30 30 5d 2c 5b 30 2c 31 31 32 2c 30 5d   00000],[0,112,0]
0070   2c 5b 30 2c 31 32 31 2c 30 2e 30 30 30 30 30 30   ,[0,121,0.000000
0080   5d 2c 5b 30 2c 31 32 32 2c 30 5d 2c 5b 30 2c 31   ],[0,122,0],[0,1
0090   33 31 2c 30 2e 30 30 30 30 30 30 5d 2c 5b 30 2c   31,0.000000],[0,
00a0   31 33 32 2c 30 5d 2c 5b 30 2c 31 34 31 2c 30 2e   132,0],[0,141,0.
00b0   30 30 30 30 30 30 5d 2c 5b 30 2c 31 34 32 2c 30   000000],[0,142,0
00c0   5d 2c 5b 30 2c 31 31 38 2c 30 5d 2c 5b 30 2c 31   ],[0,118,0],[0,1
00d0   32 38 2c 30 5d 2c 5b 30 2c 31 33 38 2c 30 5d 2c   28,0],[0,138,0],
00e0   5b 30 2c 31 34 38 2c 30 5d 5d 7d                  [0,148,0]]}

Wireshark tells me it a CoAP Status packet so ā€¦ /cit/s

I do not see any mDNS messages from homey while trying to pair the shelly only from my cellphone. Is the shelly app using my cell wifi to find the shelly ?

Router (or at least the device where your DHCP server is located) should be enough.

Check out /cit/d instead of /cit/s. It probably works fine. With the next release Iā€™ll see if I can bypass something that prevents these older firmwares from pairing.

Not sure I understand. The Shellies advertise themself using mDNS broadcast which are picked by Homey during pairing. Homey itself does not advertise itself over mDNS (at least not that Iā€™m aware, I didnt check).

So this is another update from my post above: [APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly - #5025 by Sigurdur_Birgisson

It looks like for some reason my devices started failing again in HA. And it looks like the Homey app has made changes again to the Shelly CoIoT settings. Instead of my manually set mcast, it has changed back to be the homey IP. But not all of them.

@Phuturist I guess this will need to be a feature request on the Homey app, can you make it configurable what the CoIoT setting in Shelly devices should be set to by Homey? I would like all of mine to say mcast instead of the homey unicast IP.

Thatā€™s a multicast address. Unicast means that it should send its data directly to Homeyā€™s IP address.

Nothing changed in that part of the code since I added the exclusion for devices configured with mcast. Did you change anything in your configuration recently?

Another thing that could have happened is that this has been updated for devices still connected to a deprecated driver. Those wonā€™t work at all anymore with Homey anyway so you should re-pair them anyway.

I canā€™t add the ā€œshelly motion 2ā€ , fiemware 20240306-093418/v2.2.3
My shelly app v3.29.4
When I search for WIFI components it does not find them. I have 2 such components .

Read the first post in this topic.

Can you please direct me , all the things listed there I have done.
I have homey pro

I would just repeat what is already described in the first post. If the device isnā€™t discovered you didnā€™t wake it up before pairing and/or there is something with mDNS. If it is discovered but doesnā€™t pair you arenā€™t pressing the wake up button often enough during the pairing process.

I donā€™t know if my problem is related to the recent update, but my Shelly Qubino Wave 2PM donā€™t turn on anymore on both contacts S1 and S2. When I do a connection test (via Z-wave Homey Developer Tools) it shows ā€œreachableā€.
In the Homey app it is correctly shown as turned on or off, but I donā€™t hear a click and it didnā€™t turn on. Any ideas?
Homey Pro 2019 version ā€œ10.0.9ā€
Shelly Qubino Wave 2PM: Bought and installed in february 2024
Shelly app: 3.29.4
Zwave info: S2 (authenticated)
Firmware version: 10, subversion: 27
Firmware ID: 641
Hardware version: 3

Does it switch the relay when using a connected physical switch?

The Shelly switch is buildin in an IR heater, mounted on a wall. Not accessible in an easy way. Luckily I found a solution, by powering down the hole electricity-group via the fuse box in the technical room (I hope this is correct English). After I did that, the switch is correctly functioning again. Thank you for your quick responce.

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Iā€™m a bit late on the ball, but need to re-pair all my Shelly units.
I have not been super successful. All units are updated with the latest versions from September 2023. My Homey is running version 11.0.0. I have not dared to update the Shelly app yet, since Iā€™m afraid the devices will stop working and Iā€™m not physically located in the building where all these units are. So Iā€™m trying to do this remotely and I want all my devices to work until i physically can go there. Running Shelly 3.28.2.

To the problem - I tried to add new device. I saw three devices, I have 15 in total. The first one I could add with no problem, before I deleted it from Homey. But the next two I get an error message when I try to add, ending with message: Unauthorized. I never get to the page where i add login.
The remaining 12 devices I donā€™t see when I try to add a new device.
I then tried with deleting one of the devices Iā€™m trying to re-pair first. That device then came up in the list and I could add it again. (Here I thought I had solved the problemā€¦)
I then tried to delete one of the devices that did show in the list, but I get an error from when trying to add. Did not make any difference. Iā€™ve rebooted the device, Homey and my network. I can still not add them.
I then tried with one of the other 11 devices I need to re-pair. I deleted, rebooted but it wont show. I tied with another one, same problem.
Any advice? What am I missing? Do I need to update the Shelly app before I can do this? I was under the impression that they will all stop working with that newest version if they are not already re-paired, so I guess it should work to re-pair them with the version I haveā€¦?
Ideally I would like to add them before the old device is deleted, so I can replace them in the flows. Is this doable?

Thanks for any input on this

I donā€™t know. Itā€™s very possible there are bugs in that older version of the app that prevent you from pairing. I know there was at least one bug fixed with gen3 devices with authentication enabled not being able to pair but there could be more. You could check the changelog history. But if you ask for my support my first question would be, have you updated to the latest version of the app.

Rule of thumb for pairing is that you need to remove the device before re-pairing because in most cases it will not show otherwise.

Errors during pairing are usually related to outdated firmware and users not reading the instructions that you need to enable cloud first before checking the firmware. That authentication issues you mentioned sounds like the bug of pairing a gen3 with authentication enabled. You might circumvent it by disabling authentication first. But as mentioned there could be other bugs in older versions.

Iā€™m not aware of any pairing issues with version 3.29.4.

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Hi Phuturist, first of all thanks for this amazing post. I have every shelly device configured like a boss due to your docs.

Have one small issue though, with the Shelly Flood.
This is a V1 device which can be added by IP, it just doesnā€™t read the sensors correct.
Ussually i would push with MQTT, but this device doesnā€™t seem to support this, it only has Action urls.

Do you have any ideas on how to push the temp to homey with the action urls?

Iā€™d rather just fix the issue with reading the sensors. Could you elaborate on this? Does it not read any data? And did you wake the device up during pairing. It should be discoverable by mDNS when woken up.

You should look into Homeyā€™s documentation on webhooks to use the action URLā€™s if you dont want to wait for me to fix the sensor data.

I just tested this myself. With the Flood on firmware 1.14.0 (latest stable) Iā€™m able to:

  • Discover it over mDNS (it did require me to press the wake button on the Flood and restart the Homey app before pairing. It seems Homey is using some caching that sometimes has issues with mDNS messages from battery operated devices.
  • Pair it after discovery through the regular pair list
  • Wait until the sensors change their state (battery operated device cant be polled and the sensors will only show a value after a change is send from the device).
  • See the values being updated in Homey after they have changed.

So there is nothing wrong with how this should work. If you still arent seeing values in Homey even though they changed you probably didnt keep the device awake long enough during pairing and the CoIot callback wasnt set. Check the first post on how to fix that or re-pair it making sure it is discovered over mDNS.