[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

I scratched my head quite a lot for a solution to my situation, so I thought I would share it here also if anyone else is looking.

So I have been using shelly for a while with my Homey, but lately I wanted to set up HA for energy monitoring. So I basically wanted to continue automate flows in Homey, but get updates into HA. And everywhere I went, I got back to this CoIoT setting, having to set a unicast peer. In no place I looked, I found any reference of being able to use “mcast” for multicast, which I got a hint at here

But the solution was basically to set up shelly devices with Homey first (and the homey app would set Homey IP as unicast peer), then add devices with the Shelly standard integration in HA. This results in Shelly devices demanding to be “Repaired”, and the message says to add the HA host as unicast peer.

But instead of replacing the Homey IP with HA IP, I went in a changed all of the devices to be multicast and reboot, and wham! it all just seems to work!

Ok, so if anyone knows any drawbacks of using this, please let me know. But at the moment it actually seems to work. I did make some change in some setting in my Unifi network settings, that may have enabled this, but I am not entirely sure which one it was.