[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

I scratched my head quite a lot for a solution to my situation, so I thought I would share it here also if anyone else is looking.

So I have been using shelly for a while with my Homey, but lately I wanted to set up HA for energy monitoring. So I basically wanted to continue automate flows in Homey, but get updates into HA. And everywhere I went, I got back to this CoIoT setting, having to set a unicast peer. In no place I looked, I found any reference of being able to use “mcast” for multicast, which I got a hint at here

But the solution was basically to set up shelly devices with Homey first (and the homey app would set Homey IP as unicast peer), then add devices with the Shelly standard integration in HA. This results in Shelly devices demanding to be “Repaired”, and the message says to add the HA host as unicast peer.

But instead of replacing the Homey IP with HA IP, I went in a changed all of the devices to be multicast and reboot, and wham! it all just seems to work!

Ok, so if anyone knows any drawbacks of using this, please let me know. But at the moment it actually seems to work. I did make some change in some setting in my Unifi network settings, that may have enabled this, but I am not entirely sure which one it was.

My shelly pro 3 turns on my devices himself.All at the same time. The ones that are off are turned on and opposite. On the screenshots you can see it has been turned off when it was on. (boiler)

The 2 other screenshots: 2 other devices (floor heating) have been turned on while they were turned off.
The action took place after my flow turned off the device “VV zh 1600”.

How can this happen??

Are you 100% sure that it’s not a forgotten flow that’s causing this? It almost always is.

Is this Homey Pro or Homey Cloud? Reasons I can think of:

  • Some flow behaving differently than you think, as Robert mentioned this is often the cause
  • A bug in the app, since you are the only one to report this it’s not very likely as this mechanism is used for all devices
  • The device somehow reboots and switches to it’s default " when turned on state” for instance if the load is too high
  • Incorrect wiring where changing one channel triggers another

And there might even be more reasons. If it’s Homey Pro you can reboot both Homey and Shelly. Wait some minutes, trigger a relay and see if the issue occurs and send me a diagnostic report afterwards. Chance is small there is something useful in the but who knows.

it’s a homey pro.
I think the action is taken by the shelly app, not a flow, that is visible on the screenshot by the symbol of the shelly app. Otherwise it is “uitgezet door flow + naam vd flow” i think?
When it should be a reboot everything wood been switched off? In this case the ones that are off are switched on…and opposite. The shelly turns on a relay/contactor with a snubber in between.
It all works fine 2 times a day when electricity prices are low, just now and then it happens (±3 times in the 3 months i’m using it) so the wirings are also correct i assume

i have another shelly pro 3 (3 heating zones) where it never happens

normaly my boiler is always on, i can write a flow : when the boiler is turned off i get a message to warn me

You think it’s the app (as most users tend to do when something doesn’t work as expected). But doesn’t your remark about the second device pretty much confirms it’s something specific with the first device, configuration or installation of that specific device?

If the Shelly app would switch relays out is the blue this thread would be full of other people reporting it. Next to that, I have a pretty good idea how the app works. It doesn’t just send a onoff command out of nowhere.

It’s up to you to find out what’s triggering this within your setup.


Can someone please help me with some information regarding Shelly Plus S 2 ( Wifi )


I would like to know if the colored LED can be turned OFF.
I do not have the devices but would like to buy only if the LED can be turned off.

Yes it can (and the correct name is Shelly Plus Plug S (there is no 2 in the name).

I saw after you wrote, thank you for the feedback

I use a Shelly BLU Motion to switch on the lights in my office when it is dark.
This has been working fine for months.
Two days ago I upgraded the firmware of the BLU Motion to v1.0.11 and since then the motion and lux values are not updated anymore in Homey.
It still works fine in the Shelly app.
The BLU motion is 1 meter away from Homey.
I did remove the BLU Motion from Homey and readded it again but the issue stays the same. The only thing that is being updated is the RSSI value.
Also the battery % is shown in Homey.

Any idea what could be the cause of this problem?

I forgot to add that I also have a Shelly Plus 2 PM in the office with bluetooth enabled, the gateway disabled, the BLE script running and the outbound websocket pointing to the IP address of Homey with the status connected.
For all devices I use fixed IP addresses.

Could be the firmware update broke something but it wasn’t informed on breaking changes by Allterco Robotics. I can’t check though as I’m away for some days.

OK, no problem. Thanks for the answer!

Can it be an action from the shelly app on my phone? I better uninstall that shelly app on my smartphone?

My Shelly RGBW2 shows a continuous consumption although it is switched off. In the Shelly app itself, the display is correct and also varies when dimming. In the Homey app, the value remains constant as in the picture, regardless of whether it is switched on or off.
I hope someone can help me.

Try with the repair button if it does not help try repairing the device in Homey.

No, the Shelly app has nothing with that, probably is a device itself.


  • if you have the same firmware version on both Shelly Pro 3
  • if you have set any timers for auto on/off or schedules
  • how do you set Set relay power on default?
  • check what settings you have for Safety (e.g. Max power protection, Max voltage protection, Max current protection, Overvoltage auto recovery, etc.)
  • In the Shelly app check the activity log for that device

When was the last time that you updated the firmware?

I had the same problem with Shelly RGBW2 and I found out that the problem was in firmware - this only happened when the dim level was lower than 20% (in my case).

What else you can do is contact Shelly support directly and check and check the Shelly support group (English Version) facebook page.

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On Homey Pro yes, on Homey Cloud no.

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Unfortunately I need help again. I have two Shelly Blu Door/Window. One works perfectly, the other does not transmit the status reliably. Opening is always registered, but not closing. It often takes several attempts.

If I turned on the Shelly Cloud, you can see that the status is always transmitted correctly. This rules out a malfunction of the contact or incorrect positioning.

So that it can work properly with Homey, I removed the cloud connection of the Shelly Plus device and also removed the Bluetooth gateway. Then I restarted the device. But that doesn’t help either.

What else can I do?

Thank you