One more thing that is not clear for me, also not after reading the startpost.
What is the story about homey pro and bluetooth gateway icm with blu devices (button and door sensor).
Do i need to disable the gateway? Is the Shelly app then still functioning well for the blu devices?
Because it seems that the SHelly App enables the bluetooth gateway by itselfs in the pro/plus devices.
I just told you 2 posts back that you should follow the troubleshooting guide. There is something wrong with your setup. Probably something like not assigning static IP addresses to Homey and Shelly devices or incorrect network configuration. Try reading instead of complaining.
When pairing a Blu device it will ask you to what Plus/Pro device you want it connected. This is done so Shelly Cloud is able to see device updates and control the device through the app. Communication is as follows: Shelly BLU → Plus/Pro over Bluetooth Gateway setting → Shelly Cloud.
If you want Homey to be able to receive status updates from the BLU device the Plus/Pro should not redirect to Shelly Cloud but to Homey. You therefor need to disable the Bluetooth Gateway from the settings on the Shelly Plus/Pro and enabled the Homey Bluetooth Gateway script through enabling it from the device advanced settings in Homey. Communication now goes from Shelly BLU → Shelly Plus/Pro with Homey Bluetooth Gateway script enabled → Homey.
Sorry not complaining I haven’t seen those answers
I set all the options for WLAN and Network to automatic.
I also reduced the Meshing of my Access Points. So there is just the required tow AP using Mesh technology.
No I’am able to include Shelly devices again.
Looks like there is an option in the LAN/WLAN Settings which cause the issue.
Took me quite some time
I’am happy again
Hello Phuturist,
Since a few days I have two shelly 1’s that somehow stopped working all of a sudden. I can control them just fine through the Shelly app, and I see below error in Homey, which I’ve never seen before (I’ve pasted the status of the Shelly below as well for reference). Sometimes, I needed to reboot the Shelly app to get some things going again, but now when trying to restart the Shelly app through Homey I get a timeout error, also something I’ve not had before.
The shelly’s are updated to latest stable firmware, cloud is enabled and they have a fixed IP assigned which is same in homey, CoIoT is set up similar to all my other devices that just kept functional.
Tried rebooting the shelly (even factory resetted it) and Homey now a few times but the errors are persistent… Any clues on what to do still? I doubt its a hardware related issue as it happened to two of them at the same time.
Thank you for thinking along, much appreciated
{“wifi_sta”:{“connected”:true,“ssid”:“Paint it Black”,“ip”:“”,“rssi”:-66},“cloud”:{“enabled”:true,“connected”:true},“mqtt”:{“connected”:false},“time”:“15:36”,“unixtime”:1700923012,“serial”:3,“has_update”:false,“mac”:“E8DB84D4D7AC”,“cfg_changed_cnt”:0,“actions_stats”:{“skipped”:0},“relays”:[{“ison”:true,“has_timer”:false,“timer_started”:0,“timer_duration”:0,“timer_remaining”:0,“source”:“input”}],“meters”:[{“power”:0.00,“is_valid”:true}],“inputs”:[{“input”:1,“event”:“”,“event_cnt”:0}],“ext_sensors”:{},“ext_temperature”:{},“ext_humidity”:{},“update”:{“status”:“idle”,“has_update”:false,“new_version”:“20230913-112003/v1.14.0-gcb84623”,“old_version”:“20230913-112003/v1.14.0-gcb84623”,“beta_version”:“20231107-162940/v1.14.1-rc1-g0617c15”},“ram_total”:51688,“ram_free”:39300,“fs_size”:233681,“fs_free”:150600,“uptime”:938}
Follow the troubleshooting guide from the first post.
Thank you for your extensive answer.
It leaves me with 2 more questions:
- When adding in the shelly app it ask which (pro/plus) device i want to use as a gateway. Should i leave this blank? Because when i add one or ore shelly devices as a gateway, then the gateway is (off course) enabled in that device, and i need to switch it off again conform the instructions.
- when already one BLU devices is connected before, do is still need to Enable BLE proxy in homey. And rerun the script or do something else because there is a new blu device added?
Thanks again
- Does it matter? Either leave it empty or disable the gateway afterwards, it’s a one time action.
- No, once a Plus/Pro device has the script running it will work for all Shelly BLU devices
I just connected my shelly 3EM to Homey pro. The app sees the 3 clamps, seems to work and I can see all data in insights. Is there a way to show the record of the consumption per time unit (like in kwh in the last hour, last 24h, last day, last month, etc.) ? I see the power consumption in the insight but it shows the total power consumption with unknown starting time. This is a feature in the Android - shelly app that I cannot find in insight.
If not working directly via shelly-hommey-app: is there a way to integrate the insight data over time or to apply other functions to the recorded data ? In this case I could integrate over time the power (maybe an option I have not yet understand in homey but it would be very cool)?
Thanks for your help.
Have a look at Power By The Hour, it’s a very capable app.
Does shelly wifi bulbs eirik directly sitt Homey pro19 ?
I’ve been trying to pair several Shelly Wave devices (almost 100, between a mix of 1s, 1PMs, 2PMs and Shutters) to my Homey Pro 2023 and it’s all been going somewhat well until I hit 26 devices paired. I’m doing the exact same procedure, but despite all of my attempts, pairing is failing at all times. I’ve tried using other devices just in case one is faulty and I’m experiencing the same issue. Any clue what may be causing this?
I’m literally touching Homey with the device as I pair it, so that distance is not the problem.
The errors vary from timeouts, to a bunch of others. To the point that the pairing process becomes so slow it takes several minutes between steps. I don’t know what else to do, so was hoping someone here could help understand what I should be doing different.
Thanks for your help.
Have you tried the obvious and rebooted Homey? Sounds like Homey’s Zwave stack is running out of resources.
Several times. I’ve done so in the app and unplugging from power.
I installed a Shelly Wave 2PM on my Homey Pro 23. Can someone tell me why 3 devices instead of 2 are created in the Homey app?
It creates one for relay 1, one for relay 2 and a 3th one called Shelly Wave 2PM with additional advanced settings.
The 3th one counts the power consumption from the 2 relays together.
And here comes my problem: in the total energy from the house, the power consumption from relay 1 and 2 is counted and also the power consumption from the 3th device.
So, the power consumption is counted double.
I have also a Fibaro double switch with the same functionality but here only 2 devices are shown in the Homey app.
Ps: also a lot of spelling mistakes in the Dutch versions advanced settings like:
Automtisch instead of Automatisch
Reporrts instead of rapportering
% instead of Sec. For min. time…
Thanks for any feedback.
I already asked in the developer slack channel what the best practice is here. There seems to be different implementation available. Best would be to exclude the main node from the energy totals but there doesn’t seem to be functionality to do so. Athom or any other developer isnt responding though … ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It would be helpful if you could post the other of the lot as well, or is three a lot in your book?
Hi, thanks for the quick feedback.
The 3 spelling mistakes are each repeated a few times, this makes it in my book a lot.
How do you update firmware on a Shelly Wave device added to Homey? Shelly just released an update that removes the delay time from the manual switch of some of their Wave devices. Only available for 1PM and Shutter, others coming soon.
Homey doesn’t support Z-Wave OTA updates.