[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Changelog on Homeys Shelly’s app pages states a breaking version launched today that deals with app crashes.

However app seems to have crashed anyways. That would be a big bummer for those engineers.

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Could someone quote me the instructions to make Shelly EM show has a smart meter In Homey energy.

I’m sure I’ve read it here some months ago, but right now I can’t find it.


I’m using Homey Cloud with the Shelly App (3.23.4)

I can’t confirm this to 100%, but I think I experience some missed control actions from the Shelly app.
Can of course be anywhere, the Shelly app, Homey cloud, Shelly cloud…

I havn’t experinced many such events historically, anyone else experiencing this the last days?

@Johan_Nilsson @Boris_Fers @Super_Grover

Could you install the test version of the app and test the connection for a prolonged period of time. It’s another attempt to work around a bug in Homey code but I cant really test it myself.

Ok, i will install test version 3.23.5 now and report back on issues

Installed :slight_smile:

Thanks for another feature request implementation in this release.

No problem experienced with 3.23.5.
I have now installed 3.23.6

It needs to run for a longer time. The reconnection issue is related to the disconnections and to the OAuth2 token expiring. In both cases reestablishing a connection seems to fail (sometimes?). But both triggers do not occour very often and are therefor hard for me to test.

I connected a Shelly Blu Button1
Connection is ok, no problem.
But it seems i can do nothing with the button.
In flow i can only use the battery or beacon as a trigger.
Not the push of a button.
What can i do to use the button to start flows?


I have a Shelly Wave 1PM (zwave) connected to a Homey Pro 2019 (latest firmware, 10.0.3) with Shelly app 3.23.6.

My Shelly always reports a power consumption of 0.1W, no matter the true load.

Is my Shelly faulty? Or is there a misconfiguration?

Regards, Koen

Read the instruction in the first post about the action event trigger card.

Probably the usage of the device itself.

Yes, the 0.1W is probably the consumption of the Shelly itself. Question remains; any idea what can be wrong that the device doesn’t measure the consumption of the connected device?

Incorrect wiring perhaps?

Yep, got it. Thanks,. Don’t understand why, but i guess there is a good reason.

See the attached picture for my wiring. (This is a test load).

Switching works perfectly, energy consumption doesn’t. Do you see any errors in my wiring?

What Homey firmware are you using? Athom recently introduced changes which require firmware 10.1.0 for energy capabilities to work.

10.0.3, the newest firmware available for Homey Pro 2019.

Nice, it seems Athom did not take this into account. You should report it to them.

Some detailed information which you can use. The Shelly Wave devices use command class METER V6 for energy capabilities. Initially this wasn’t supported at all by the node-homey-zwavedriver library. With help of Zwave guru caseda a custom parser was created and a fix for that library was submitted as pull request. At that point it worked on all Homeys. Until Athom decided not to implement that fix in the library but to have support for command class METER v6 built into Homey firmware instead of through that library. That broke the custom parser so I had to remove that to get it working again. But apparently Athom only implemented support for command class METER v6 into the firmware for Homey Pro '23.

I’ll add this to the list of known issues which are for Athom to fix. It keeps growing it seems.

So now I spend a fortune, and bought a Homey Pro, no more cloud issues, and now happiness, I thought.
already the first night, less than 6 hours of full function, Shelly went offline ???
I tried reinstall of the app, didn’t seem to work, so I had to restart the Homey.
can you please help me out, please say if I have to bring more information, or make a new ticket.

regards Thomas.

Read the troubleshooting guide from the first post.