[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Delayed status update issues and possible fixes are described in the first post of this thread:

1 Like

You and your big problems. A big problem is the war in Ukraine.

There are numerous reasons but you are forgetting the one that happen the most. Users always seem to forget it could actually be that itā€™s their own situation (which is the case 95% of the time).

  • Misconfiguration of the user where the device is not reporting itā€™s state correctly to Homey. Usually caused by not using static IP addresses in the network or just bad networking. As Robert mentions above you can follow the troubleshooting guide. This would result in no updates at all though.
  • Battery operated Shelly wifi devices have proven not to be the best devices for integration. These only wake up shortly and although it should send itā€™s status to both the cloud and Homey when it wakes up I can image it could miss a heartbeat in a less optimal network. Since sending status over CoAP for Homey is of lesser priority than cloud it could be it misses it. Is this device further away then the other three?

So I donā€™t think itā€™s a Homey Pro or Shelly Homey app issue. Itā€™s either a user or Shelly API issue.


Dear Phuturist,

unfortunately I know enough about problemsā€¦ :wink::+1:

At this point, however, why forget world hunger, those who are forced to live on the street, absolute poverty, the misdeeds of totalitarian regimes, the demented culture of the ā€œPolitically Correctā€ orā€¦

Faced with these issues ā€“ and there are others ā€“ what do we do?
Shall we close the Forum?
I can assure you that itā€™s also a big problem to write with a sharpie between your teeth while sweat drips onto the keyboard from the heat; and you also have to repeat FOR THE UMPTEENTH TIME that ALL your Shelly H&Ts are powered via Micro-USB Cableā€¦ :wink::+1:

Der Phuturist,

The only thing Iā€™m missing is a static IP.

For the rest:

  • I have a powerful Wi-Fi network with 3 Mesh bases;
  • all devices are under the same network;
  • Homey Pro is connected to the primary node of the Mesh network via an Ethernet adapter;
  • Shelly H&Ts work well, otherwise they wouldnā€™t update the data in the Shelly App;
  • the most problematic one is the Shelly H&T closest to the primary node of the Mesh network as well as to the Homey Pro;
  • itā€™s true that I understand little about Homey Pro, but itā€™s also true that everything about Schelly has been working perfectly for me for years and Shelly H&T since last Augustā€¦

So I find it difficult to think that it depends on how Shelly H&T have always been set up!

I will follow @robertklepā€™s advice if you donā€™t synthesize some advice for my Shelly H&Ts connected via Micro-USB cable.

Many thanks, see you soon!

Not this again. You may be black, you may be white, you may be Jew or gentile. Or have a disability in your case. It donā€™t make a difference in my house. I already said I feel for you but stop playing that disability card, you wont get any special treatment.

I respond based on facts, how people approach me and what they do with the advice I give them. So far you are not doing well on any of these aspects which annoys me and Iā€™m no friendly fellow. You keep insinuating there is something wrong with the app, keep insinuating Iā€™m not inclined to help you even though I represent Shelly (which I dont) and dont listen to any of the advice that has been given by me and at least a couple of other users. And the fact that you have your sensors connected by cable is not a relevant fact at all as this device still sleeps even when connected to power. So my previous possible reason still stands.

Let me give you a tip if writing is so hard for you. Explain the problem, give actual factual context and listen to the instructions that are given. You are in now way more capable to analyse the issue in comparision to the developer or even other developers on the forum that just have more technical knowledge on what could cause this. It would save you a lot of trouble and time spent with a Sharpie between you teeth.

And even with more understanding of the technical side, as I mentioned there are numerous reasons why things dont work as expected. I can tell you this though, if it was an issue with the Shelly Homey app, more users would be complaining. I pretty much know within 5 minutes if I broke something.

So enough with the ranting and lets look at the issue. If you followed the troubleshooting guide and are still having issues please post a screenshot of the device settings under Homey and the output of http://ip_of_shelly_ht/settings and http://ip_of_shelly_ht/status


Dear Phuturist,

Iā€™m sorry to say so many words, but everyone has his problems ā€¦

Yesterday you gave me technical answers to technical questions and I simply thanked you. Indeed, I renew yesterdayā€™s thanks!

Iā€™m not afraid to do or work; however since you already know me well, try to ask me questions or give me advice as you did now in closing.

I donā€™t like arguing and, least of all, discussing!

I apologize, but I also hope you understand! OK?!

Now itā€™s 21:33, tomorrow Iā€™ll try to better understand your last lines and Iā€™ll visit the links you sent me.

Many thanks, see you soon!

Dear Phuturist,

I havenā€™t been able to answer you before.

Yesterday evening, shortly after 20:00, I made the screeshots that you can see below; I divide them into 4 groups and then I give you the Settings and Status of the 4 Shelly H&T that I remind you are powered externally via Micro-USB cable

ā€“ 1Āŗ ā€“ 02.01 - Sala H&T

In the Shelly App the update dates back to 20:00 and can be considered correct, in Homey Pro the update dates back to 2 days before and obviously cannot be considered updated.

ā€“ 2Āŗ ā€“ 03.01 - Camera da letto H&T

In the Shelly App the update dates back to 20:00 and can be considered correct, in Homey Pro the update dates back to 3 days before and obviously cannot be considered updated.

ā€“ 3Āŗ ā€“ 04.01 - Cameretta H&T

In the Shelly App the update dates back to 20:00 and can be considered correct, in Homey Pro the update dates back to 19 minutes and therefore can be considered correct.
Itā€™s the furthest device from the Mesh bases and Homey Pro, strange but trueā€¦

ā€“ 4Āŗ ā€“ 05.01 - Bagno H&T

In the Shelly App the update dates back to 20:00 and can be considered correct, in Homey Pro the update dates back to 22 minutes before and therefore can be considered correct.
It is not very close to the Mesh base and Homey Pro.

These are instead the Settings and the Status of the devices:

`02.01 Sala H&T


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03.01 - Camera da letto H&T


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04.01 - Cameretta H&T


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05.01 - Bagno H&T


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The two Shelly H&Ts that respond less, or do not respond, are the ones closest to the primary node of the Wi-Fi Mesh network and to Homey Pro.

I ask you some curiosities:

  • Can the offset values of Humidity and temperature affect the number of device updates?
  • Is it possible to write a Flow ā€“ if so, how ā€“ that wakes up Shelly H&T every ā€œXā€ minutes?

If I have not been clear in some point, feel free to ask me for explanations.

Many thanks, see you soon!

You are wasting my time. How many people told you to follow the troubleshooting guide from the first post. You obviously just keep on ignoring this advice while you could have fixed your issue days ago and save you hours of grinding a Sharpie. So to quote you, ā€œFOR THE UMPTEENTH TIMEā€, follow the advice that is given you.

  • 02.01 Sala H&T / .152: itā€™s missing the peer address of Homey under the CoIoT settings, see troubleshooting guide step 2.
  • 03.01 - Camera da letto H&T / .164: the temperature in Homey is the same as the device, it wont update the temperature if it hasnt changed. Put it in the fridge and you will see if sends changed values after you take it out.

Dear Phuutist,

thank you so much for the valuable advice!

Many thanks, see you soon

after the last update my shelly i4 configured as push button stopped working.
Homey only sees it in switch mode.
Has this happened to others too?

Same here. Shelly 1 Wifi, I see the switching, no triggering. Ps. I rebooted homey pro no result

Describe ā€œstopped workingā€. Are the flows triggered by action events not triggering? If so, I would have to look into that. If itā€™s something else itā€™s probably not directly related to this release but something else (like networking). And what does ā€œonly sees it in switch modeā€ mean?

Is this a plus/pro device or Shelly 1 gen1? Nothing has changed in for gen1 in the latest release. That would indicate itā€™s probably some other issue. Follow the troubleshoot guide from the first post ion that case. If itā€™s a plus/pro device and the flows with action events arent working it could indeed mean there is something wrong with the latest update.

Itā€™s a gen 1. Worked as relay with a trigger in homey if doorbell was pressed. Rebooted the homey, but no effect. Will have a look into the other suggestions. I can see the icon go on and of in homey but trigger is not kicked (no changes in the flow)


i have added Shelly i4 DC. All 4 inputs are configured as buttons. I can however only get the first input to trigger in Homey. It does show in the Shelly app, but not in the Homey flows.
The inputs are visible in the device screen, but always stay ā€˜openā€™ when pushing the button.
It does work correctly when the inputs are configured as switches in the shelly app (both in the flows as the status in the device screen)


Any clues? Thanks!

It stopped working means it no longer responds to commands: I press the connected button and from the Shelly app I see that it tells me which pressure I made (single, double, etc.) while from Homey nothing.
I set a channel to switch mode and Homey also recognizes the button press but having wired a buttonā€¦
Connected flows work but if the device does not detect anythingā€¦

The same problem I had with the shelly i4.
After the last update the I4 in button mode Homey does not detect the trigger (which the shelly app detects correctly).
In toggle mode it works.

After the last updates, my Shelly 1 is no more working with Homey.
And, I canā€™t repair it even using its IP adress.

But, it is still working with Shelly app.

What I could do ?


Nothing changed for gen1 devices with the last update. If the device canā€™t be re-added even through IP it means you are either using the wrong IP or Homey canā€™t reach the device. Follow the troubleshooting guide from the first post (or just start by rebooting the Shelly and Homey)

1 Like

Iā€™ll test for issues with the Shelly i4 later today. Perhaps the latest release has some unwanted side effects for this device.

I guess i have the exact same problem (see couple of posts above). Only 1st input working in push button mode.

Let me know if you need any logs!

Thanks already for the effort

Just checked to see, but since yesterday evening I have the same problem, only input 1 working in button mode.

Glad to help if needed.
