[APP][Pro][Cloud] P2000 for Homey (Dutch 112 (911) alerts

I myself am in favor of filtering by capcode because they are “unique”.

On the site meldingen.nl they call it Overijssel but when you open the notification then they talk about region Twente and Ijsselland. A bit confusing.

From the p2000-online.net site

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@Mike1233 thats exactly what i saw. So based on that i checked the API as well.

Wont be that hard to fix :slight_smile:

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I think that meldingen.nl is often wrong with the regions…

The region must indeed be Twente instead of Overijssel… but where limburg comes from

Oh wow :expressionless:

that’s why i filter by capcode

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:warning: Currently, the database that P2000 uses is down. So is our old old one. So switching quickly to reduce downtime is unfortunately not a possibility.

Apologies for the inconvenience!
Stay tuned.

Online again!
Currently we (@martijnpoppen and I) working hard, to make a backup plan, for a stable 100% self owned database! With all correct regions :wink:


Thanks @LRvdLinden and @martijnpoppen for creating the new app! Especially the maps integration makes me very exciting!
Unfortunately, even after applying the Google Maps API string into the device settings, I keep getting the app banner as a result.
Any thoughts on what else to try/configure to get this working?

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Thanks @MrBlue! Just dubbel check if you saved the settings? So yes, try to reboot the app.

:sparkles: Test 4.0.5

New test version!


Download the new version in the Homey App Store!


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Restarting the app did the job! Took a few minutes to be effective though.
Thanks! :pray:



Regio Twente mist in de keuze
Regio Overijssel bestaat volgens mij nog niet

regio Twente is missing
Regio Overijssel i think is not a Regio

Hi Bertus, see update in this message: [APP][Pro] P2000 for Homey (Dutch 112 (911) alerts - #133 by LRvdLinden

Thanks, it looks very nice.

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In the meantime, create conditions on cities for a while.

Another observation I have is that often the same map image gets sent for different alerts, almost like the API hasn’t replied with the new map image yet.

I’m now limiting the amount of alerts and included a 3 sec delay before sending the image over Telegram, so let’s see how it will turn out.

Just curious if more people experience this behavior.

@MrBlue yep also saw that, will be fixed in New version


could there perhaps be an option to select the municipality in flows? thought that was also ideal in the m previous versions?

We will take a look. Thx for the feedback.

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