[APP][Pro][Cloud] P2000 for Homey (Dutch 112 (911) alerts

I have let it go for a few days with my workaround flow off. Every 30 minutes the app disable /enable.

Nothing came in during that time.
Early this evening I enabled my workaround flow again and from that point notification for my city started to come in again.

So this is the only way for me to get this app do its’s job.

Happy holidays.

All my old flows are also working again on version 4.4.8
I didn’t do anything with it.

It remains weird. With me, example 1 and 2 just work continuously even without app reboot.


:rotating_light:server offline:rotating_light:

Our ip adress has been blocked by the source we use for all P2000 notifications. We are busy working on a possible solution, but the question is whether it will work. We are also busy looking for contact details so that we can contact them to put our ip on the whitelist.

See current status in app settings or via link: https://p2000.betteruptime.com/

See my timeline, I almost miss the notification. :wink: :rofl: I temporarily disabled the timeline for this app.

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Yes I understand. You can also overcome it with a variable after the trigger cards.

Currently busy negotiating with a new source. When every second counts, the app should be up and running soon for you guys. @martijnpoppen and I are equally busy so :wink:

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Hi Léon,

No hurry we know you guys work always very hard to solve all (our) problems. :+1:

What do you mean exactly with a variable after the trigger card? Are the messages in the timeline related to the flow cards? I already have a “condition card” after the trigger card if you mean that.


Another question does the app also have NLAlert integration? I look for a flow where I can disable my WTW unit in case there is for example a smook alert for the location where I live.

Have a great New Year’s evening tomorrow. :boom: :fireworks: Best wishes.

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Pray for P2000 :heart:


big shout out for @LRvdLinden and @martijnpoppen … you win and you lose sometimes


:rotating_light:Status update:rotating_light:

We are currently in contact with the site is down: https://monitor.p2000alarm.nl/ to unblock our ip addresses. Should this fail, we officially received an api from https://p2000.page/ yesterday and we (@martijnpoppen) will rebuild the server and reactivate the app. Apologies for the inconvenience!


:sparkles: Update 4.4.10

New Live version!


Known bugs with new API

  • Regions (fixed)
  • Lifeliner (fixed)
  • Categories

We will fix it in the coming days

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:
This app is provided on a best-effort basis, and no rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by p2000.page

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - P2000 - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email and issues in the input field to make it easier)


If you appreciate this app, contribute to future development by making a paypal contribution

or buy me a couple of :beers: or a :coffee: on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me or become a surporter on Patreon


Dank voor de snelle (re-)actie! Is het officiële partnership nieuw? Voorheen kreeg je de meldingen op een andere manier binnen?

Wat zou de app-ontwikkeling en -beheer van Homey tegenwoordig zijn zonder @martijnpoppen , @LRvdLinden , @Menno_van_Hout !! Dank voor jullie inspanningen :pray:t2:


True that is new since last night 11:30 :rofl:
Thank you for your nice words and have a happy New Year.

can anyone get the “region” tag working? this one seems to be “broken” here

this prevents them from personally participating in a p2000 report :rofl::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Since 1800 no incoming alarm messages

The last one was Breestraat

Updated with known bugs :point_right:t2: [APP][Pro] P2000 for Homey (Dutch 112 (911) alerts - #420 by LRvdLinden

For now, it was important to receive notifications again.
On behalf of @martijnpoppen @LRvdLinden & p2000.page Happy New Year and a healthy 2024! :clinking_glasses::fireworks:


Cheers you all :beers::beers::beers:


I m using residence for messsages