[APP][Pro][Cloud] KNMI

See workaround flow from @Norbert


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Ik heb er dus voor gekozen om een tekstvariabele weeralarm aan te maken en daar alles flows die iets doen met weeralarm op te laten reageren.


Good morning,

Thanks for the example. I was so far as well, in a slightly different direction. But what i read from these topics, there is so far no solution to set the weather alarm according to province.
I made a flow in combi with a RGB zigbee GU10 bulb. It turns the correct color as soon as there is a weather alarm somewhere in Holland. You stated with some filtering you might be able to set it for a specific province. Breaking my head now, i do not see that.


:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Update 2.2.9

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:scroll: Changelog Overview: Embrace a new level of transparency and stay informed! Our latest update introduces a comprehensive changelog overview, providing you with a detailed summary of all changes, fixes, and improvements. Now, it’s easier than ever to track the evolution of your KNMI Homey app.


:speech_balloon: Connection Stability: We’ve addressed an issue causing repeated offline notifications. Your KNMI Homey app is now more robust, ensuring a stable connection and eliminating unnecessary offline alerts.


:rainbow: Settings Icons Refresh: We’ve revamped the settings icons for a more intuitive and visually appealing experience. Effortlessly navigate through the app’s settings with the new, sleek icons, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics.

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This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by weerlive


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How can it be that in the last 7 days the weather alarm has not changed? I have created a flow so that I receive a notification when the weather alarm changes, but of course it does not work if the weather alarm is not updated.

It keeps showing me code yellow, while yesterday it was just code green.

Because there where many different yellow codes in that period somewhere in the country.
Manley warnings for snow, ice and low temperatures.

Now it’s the wind that gives yellow.

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And now it is officially code orange for Amsterdam. App still shows code yellow. KNMI api is not very accurate.

@B-J_Soecker Code orange is tomorrow in Amsterdam and not today or right now!


See answer @Theo_de_Koning

yesterday it was code green throughout the country. and the refresh was still 7 days ago

But they set it Yellow for the next day.

Code Orange for tomorrow is in the message now.

Vandaag overdag zijn er geen waarschuwingen. Vanwege storm Isha worden in Noord-Holland en het Waddengebied komende nacht en vroege ochtend zeer zware windstoten verwacht van 100-110 km/uur. Hiervoor geldt code oranje. Vanaf halverwege maandagochtend neemt de wind snel af en verdwijnen de (zeer) zware windstoten. Hierdoor kan schade en gevaar ontstaan als gevolg van omvallende bomen en rondvliegende voorwerpen

There are no warnings during the day today. Due to storm Isha, very heavy wind gusts of 100-110 km/hour are expected in North Holland and the Wadden area next night and early morning. Code orange applies for this. From mid-Monday morning the wind will decrease rapidly and the (very) heavy gusts will disappear. This can cause damage and danger due to falling trees and flying objects

In the picture they give code Yellow from 22:00- 00:00.
Time of message 12:55.

It seems that KNMI is give the data what later on line.
That way of giving the data free I also don’t like that at all.

With a new flow I hope to see changing in the text of the message.

is there a possibility to share your flow for weather alerts?

KNMI is issuing code orange for next night. I therefore expect code orange to be present in the api only tonight.

Of course, you can always search for tomorrow and orange in the text so you can anticipate this.

Thanks for the explanation. So code orange is the forecast. But yesterday there whole country was green, but stil code yellow.

My new tests for better alarm code retrieval.
The Yellow is coming out now.

@Theo_de_Koning This is never going to work :wink:

Remember, you are only allowed to retrieve data 300 times a day in the api. Besides, the app already does this :wink:

See my example flow!


But for me was it more a test if there is new data available.

You can see that I used the "weeralarm bericht is veranderd " card for the same result.

Just now I emailed weerlive where the api remains on alarm 1 (code yellow). Hope they resolve this soon.

This flow is made on 22 januari before 22:00

What I expected

From the “new” flow in post 155.

But given the responses here, I don’t feel welcome.
So I step down for a while.