[APP][Pro][Cloud] KNMI


I am also have a question/request, but don’t know where to put it. Maybe you have already seen it on Facebook, as I put also there the request, who can do it.

Are you able to make a card action/rule (don’t know how to say it) can i wear shorts

Old app is not updated anymore: Kan ik een korte broek aan? App voor Homey | Homey

There is also een website, but https://www.kanikeenkortebroekaan.nl.

yes it is maybe a more fun factor, but fun is also important for apps :slight_smile:



Hi @smv ,

Nice idea but does deviate from the KNMI app.
Besides, I see that the test version does have HP23 compatibility.

I will have a look at it.

:sparkles: Version 2.2.2

New Live version!


:star2: Aesthetics Upgrade: Get ready for a visual feast! We’ve given the overall look and feel of the app settings page a makeover. It’s now sleeker, smoother, and more stylish than ever before.

Get ready to explore the enhanced features and aesthetics in this latest update. Your feedback fuels our passion for improvement! :rocket::sparkles:

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

Encountering any issues ? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - KNMI 2.0 - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email and issues in the input field to make it easier)


If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

:sparkles: Version 2.2.4

New Live version!


:house_with_garden: Personalized Residence Setting: Your home, your rules! Say goodbye to automatic Homey location detection and welcome the power to define your residence by filling in your hometown.

:earth_africa: Location Freedom: With this update, you have the liberty to input your city or town name directly, giving you a more personalized and recognizable representation of your residence.

:round_pushpin: Easy Setup: The process is as simple as typing your hometown. Just navigate to the settings, locate the new “Residence” section, and effortlessly fill in the name of your city or town.


Get ready to explore the enhanced features and aesthetics in this latest update. Your feedback fuels our passion for improvement! :rocket::sparkles:

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

Empower your KNMI app with this simple yet impactful improvement, putting you in control of your residence representation! :house_with_garden::earth_africa::round_pushpin::hammer_and_wrench::rocket:

Encountering any issues ? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - KNMI - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email and issues in the input field to make it easier)


If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

where do you see the test version?
I don’t see that one.

The save-button in the app-setting, ApiKey and/or Residence is not working. Already removed the app and reinstalled it. HomeyPro2023 model.

That looks like a bug to me. I will look into it later today.

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No problems here with the save button.

@Jacques_Derks Did you already have the app with a set api and only residence added or also a new install?

@Andres_Moerland I have tried to reproduce it but when I do a clean install here and enter the apikey I can save it and I get to see all the data. Then after uninstalling and reinstalling the app, I can also save the apikey and residence one after the other and then create a device. This on the hp16 and hp23. So I don’t see this problem on my side.

I’m using an Android phone and app, perhaps there lies the issue?
Edit: on the web app it seems to work fine.
Phone app:

I don’t see this on my side either. But then I also use iOS. Perhaps just for now via web setting. Perhaps this is a bug in the Android Homey app.

Trough the web is working, indeed. So glad I can now add my own hometown instead of the next village! Thanks for all you work on so many apps btw! :wink: If I need to help or test with the Android app, just let me know.

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That’s nice. Thank you and you’re welcome. For now, it’s not a bug I can do anything with and I hope this is due to the Android Homey app version. Will you check again on the next Homey app update?

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Will do!

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I have the app with a set api and residence added.

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It’s sad the the Code Orange is not coming on tag level.
It’s form 18:00 - 00:00.

“Nieuwe gegevens van het KNMI” when card is also not working.
With every update I have change this card in case that.


It seem that the Code Orange is hide in a Code Yellow message.
This I found very strange to do.
Together with the other data that’s not coming in, I now only keep the pictures.

Any thoughts how to do this?

Hi Theo, yesterday I contacted weerlive as I observed this myself. Once again I am using KNMI 2.0 to transfer 1 to 1 the data from weerlive. There are no adjustments in between. The hidden code orange in the text is the literal text from KNMI which was also published on their site. So I am discussing how it is possible that code orange did not come through in their api but the corresponding text did. They are investigating this now.

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