[APP][Pro][Cloud] KNMI

At that time KNMI has change her alert to code green.

I will build in a delay so that the map go equal to the parameters. Comes from the order of update and triggers.

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:sparkles: Version 2.1.2

New Test version!
Download the new version in the Homey App Store!



  • Condition card flowcard ID’s. Please check your condition flows.

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - KNMI 2.0 - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email and issues in the input field to make it easier)

By the way, it is better to build in a delay yourself so that the app has time to update 52 values.


So better?

There where here all tests running to understand the difference in working of some cards.
The old and new value from the specialistic cart and the list of all the tag values like in the dives list.

You need to reselect the tokens. The app is now completely different from requests from the community.

What is a “token” in this case?

A Tag

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:sparkles: Version 2.1.3

New Test version!
Download the new version in the Homey App Store!



  • Deleted timeline notification

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - KNMI 2.0 - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email and issues in the input field to make it easier)

I only want to receive a message when the weather alarm changes for my province or city. How can I fix that?

The alarm info in the api covers the whole country and there is no region filter in it. So, unfortunately, that doesn’t work. Or you have to filter in the alarm message by your province.

What I do now is collecting the weather alarm message from the KNMI 2.0 device.
So I can see witch sentences you can take to used for local places.

In the last 2 they use “Noord- en Zuid-Holland” as a combining pair.
For people in Noord-Holland it’s waiting to see if the “Noord-” is not be used elsewhere in other message.

@Jacques_Derks @Theo_de_Koning You can do this also with @RobbertV’s app Flow Utilities or Custom Logic as a custom variable.

How to with Flow Utilities :point_down:

Again is on the picture a yellow alarm for fog in the 4 NE provinces between 09:00 - 10:00.
Nothing on the alarm code.
Just fog would be an alarm up on a notice before driving.

If we have to wait on KNMI for the alarm code then they do a bad job.

Code just in

Dear Theo, this app is linked to a real-time api. As soon as KNMI updates values it is immediately available in the app. There is no delay in it. KNMI is the only agency in the Netherlands that is allowed to issue Alarm codes.

Such a message at every alarm change I can’t do much with unfortunately. The app is functioning correctly.

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Hello, i was looking for a trigger that when snow has fallen.

what triggers snow? can figure it out… and im glad there isnt any right now…

:sparkles: Version 2.2.0

New Live version!


  • App settings page witch server status
  • Trigger cards for when KNMI is on- or offline
  • Push and timeline notification when KNMI goes on- or offline
  • Global token “Status server” with current KNMI status on- or offline

Big thanks :+1:t2: :clap:t2: :muscle:t2: to @martijnpoppen for helping with this update!
Download the new version in the Homey App Store!


If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - KNMI 2.0 - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email and issues in the input field to make it easier)

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:sparkles: Version 2.2.1

New Live version!


  • Received new data action card

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - KNMI 2.0 - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email and issues in the input field to make it easier)

I would like start using this app, but I can’t get my own city to show up. Instead I get a neighboring town in my overview? Any ideas how to fix this quickly?

It is based on your Homey lat and long. So you can’t fix it. I will soon make a device settings field to overwrite this.