[APP][Pro][Cloud] KNMI

:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Update 4.0.0 / 4.0.1

New Live version!

:rotating_light: Breaking Change: KNMI News Device Removal

To enhance the overall performance of the KNMI app, we have removed the KNMI news device. This decision was made to streamline the app’s functionality and ensure better performance. Please note that this change may impact users who relied on the KNMI news device. We recommend reviewing your automations and settings to adapt to this change.


:wrench: Under-the-Hood Enhancements: In this version of KNMI, we’ve made some minor improvements to enhance overall performance and logging for the best user experience and logging. We’re continuously working behind the scenes to fine-tune the app for the best possible user experience. Your feedback is invaluable! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to reach out through our support channels.

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

:star2: Enjoy the latest version of KNMI App with small improvements under the hood, ensuring a smoother experience for all users! :rocket:

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - KNMI - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:

This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by weerlive.nl



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