[APP][Pro] Chronograph - Adds precise timer, stopwatch and transition functionality to Homey

Hi @GibStorm,

Not exactly what you were looking for, but it triggered me to create a script/flow/device for that purpose.
You can find importable flows for a Timer, and for a Stopwatch

Flow example:

AVD device:
Screenshot from 2023-01-05 16-53-49

Script (use it with Homeyscript flow card “Run code with argument, and return number-tag”):

// Get value (milliSeconds) of a running timer; Argument = timer name.

var timerName = (args[0]);

	let app = await Homey.apps.getApp({id:'nl.fellownet.chronograph'});
	app.apiGet('/timers/').then(result => {
		let timers = JSON.parse(result);
		timers.forEach(timer => {
        if ( timer.name == timerName ) {
		      app.apiGet('/timers/' + timer.name);
					// create/update tag [timername]_duration
          global.set(timer.name + "_duration", timer.duration);
          //// just a check for timer name:
          //console.log("TimerName: " + timer.name + " - Duration: " + timer.duration);
const timerDuration = global.get(timerName + "_duration");
return Number(timerDuration); 
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