[APP][Pro] Broadlink App

Hi. Here is the log.

Everthing seems normal but the app does not save the recorded command. Light goes on homey says what to do - all normal.


Super Thanks


Cant get this to learn commands on any of the supported devices with exception of the RM3 Plus.
The plus works really well. The RM4 mini and Rm3 red bean get found by Homey but will not learn commands.
When i press learn the broadlink does not light up.
I cant find what im doing wrong but they dont work. Any clues anyone?

I figured it out after 30+ tries, i have a 3 button remote, up and down gets recorded no problem, Pause was the problem. I had a session trying to record the pause button but accidentally touched the up button for a milli second and then whala it recorded the Pause button - tested and working… Or was i just lucky…

Did you unlock them in the Broadlink app?

Yes done. Ive submitted a request on github and in doing so saw several others had submitted the same
Hopefully it will be sorted soon as its a great app

Commented on 3 issues you commented on GiTHUB - let’s keep discussing here. It’s still unclear for me, whether or not you have performed all the required steps.

  • please share screenshot of the lock state of your devices from Broadlink mobile app.
  • please share also screenshot of the firmware version from the Broadlink mobile app

Note - both RM3 Redbean and RM4 Mini are confirmed working, so currently no idea what is specific for you.

Does the update offers you update to version v62092 ? If so, try to update, as this version works for me.
What about the RM3 Red Bean, does it work already ?

Does not offer any update. No red bean does not work, RM4 mini does not work.
No updates in any.
Where can i get them manually?

My bad, I misunderstood “Update now”


However based on this firmware version, this is RM3 Mini, not a Read Bean ? Have you tried to add it as regular RM3 Mini not as RedBean version ?

Can you share the same screenshots for RM4 Mini then ?

Yes sadly that doesnt do anything. Just a dead button

Sorry, have i missed something, There is only one option for RM3 when adding a device.

when found by homey its populated as a red bean

It automatically detected it as a red bean. How do i try to add it as a regular?

Deleted and factory reset all devices. Removed app from homey, re installed and re added to broadlink and then homey. I have 2 pro, 3 rm3 mini and 2 rm4 mini.
All but one rm3 working now so ill keep trying. No luck
With firmware update but at least most are working.

I forgot :sweat_smile: You are right. I see based on some discussion, it’s “special” RM3 Mini, but not RedBean, yet having same device type as Red Bean version.

So RM4 Mini works now, great.

For RM3 Mini, can you please :

  • restart Homey Broadlink app
  • send log right after
  • go to the RM3 Mini device setting, choose Re-authenticate device
  • send log again
  • enabled Compatibility mode, restart Broadlink app, try learning IR commands
  • send log again

I would like to see if actually authentication worked or not but I’m not sure I will do anything about that right now.
If the compatibility mode will work, try to learn/send commands for other devices if they still works and if not, revert that settings.

Compatabiloty mode is off. Factory reset the one not working and re added it.
I think i know what i did wrong sorry :grimacing:
I turned lock off when devices were added to homey. I needed to add them, unlock them and then bring them into homey.
Strangely tho i didnt need to unlock them all.
Either way its working and all working well.
Sorry if ive bothered you.

Thanks for your patience

Sorry to post of this has been answered before, but I have done a lot of search and can not find an answer to my simple question.
I can not find a way to make my Broadlink RM4C mini to work with Homey.
I want it to learn from an IR remote, which works perfectly fine in the native Broadlink app. But in the Homey app, I can’t find out how to make this work. There is only a “Learn IR command” button, and when I press it nothing happens.
Any ideas what I do wrong?

Hello Jco,

Did you read the 1st post of the Broadlink app topic? RM4C isn’t listed as supported (yet).

The app store also doesn’t show that model:

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Please submit diagnostic report right after you restart the Broadlink app and after you tried once to learn some IR.
Also I assume you unlocked the RM4c Mini in the Broadlink app. If yes, share also the firmware version of you RM4C Mini

Version 3.1.56 — Hysen Automode fix

Can those of you with Hysen thermostat test this version please and submit also diagn. log ? I get many errors on Automode but I don’t have this device myself, so not sure why nobody did not complain yet…

Sorry, I had missed the part with “unlock”. After I unlocked an reinstalled (it did not work without) the Broadlink RM4C mini it actually work!
Thank you for your help!