Can someone tell me where to find “the howto” to learn the IR/RF from my Rm4 mini to Homey?
The commandos to the AC work fine from the app, but i must learn the same commandos in Homey to make a flow… i dont understand …
Long story short - on Homey you must learn the commands and store them on Homey itself, then you can reuse them in a flow. You can then eventually create a Virtual Device (eg. using Device Capabilities app), which would be calling those stored commands, if you would like to have “a device like” experience.
i have ordered the RM3 mini to mimic the remote control buttons from a electrical fireplace from inside homey.
i have added the RM3 device in the broadlink app (until i have to place it in a room) and after that in the Homey App by filling in the ip adress.
i am able to “learn” the buttons in homey , white led lights up , aim the remote and press button and cmd1 appears in Homey.
but when i execute the cmd1 in a flow nothing happens. (i dont even see the white led lighting up, this indicates that nothing is sent through the RM3)
is there something i am doing wrong or is this device not able to send through homey ?
RM3 Mini device is working fine, so might be something specific to your installation. Best to troubleshoot it, try another IR - eg. remote control from TV and try to replicate it there, if you see same symptoms. Also sometimes helps to cut the power from RM3 Mini, if it misbehaves. If all will fail and you will still not get LED lighting up even when sending it for another device-IR remote control, submit debug log right after learning and sending IR. Do not forget to include additional details required, describing the issue or simply your forum Nickname, so that I can link it with this comment.
So it turns out that @Django is using RM3 Mini Red Bean edition (0x5f36) , for which he can learn IR but can’t submit IR back. Similarly to @DaanV, who seems never sent diag back.
May I please ask you guys @M_a_r_c_o or @Marcel_Brand , does your RM3 Mini Red Bean works, are you able to learn IR and also submit it back via flow ? In any way (working/not working), can you please sent me debug logs ? I would like to see the differences, until I start working on something, which has been reported working previously. Thank you.
Sorry, the RM3 mini is currently not connected and need to search where it is. As far as I know it did work with the mini. Cannot send diag logs on short notice. The pro+ does work fine, but have not tried learning for a long while (if it works, dont touch it )
Rm3 mini red bean here, Pro19
Hi Sharkys,
‘Test Test 123’ While it worked with previous versions, the learning mode doesn’t get enabled. Debug log here, I hope it is of any use.
Peter, didn’t know you had also RED BEAN - I would immediately ask Thank you, unfortunately in your case I see when you tried to initiate IR Learning :
01:46:40 [Broadlink] **> dgramSocket timeout
01:46:40 [RM Mini 3 Red Bean (Type: 0x5f36)] Error during IR learning: Error: Timeout while sending message to device: device did not respond in time
I got confirmed the learning mode shall be working, the sending command might be broken though - can you please check :
- if your device really responds on given IP xx.xx.1.141
- if RM3 Mini not locked in the Broadlink APP settings
- if reconnecting from power helps ?
Also when you sent IR from RM3 Mini, I see “Command CableTV_CH- not found” which means that maybe you have chosen different name for it or it’s not saved.
So you do have problems but completely different ones I was about to ask
Thank you @M_a_r_c_o , exactly - that’s why I asked first, touching 2nd I played in the meantime with TEST version that I reverted back in the meantime, because I first need to get some reports to compare situations.
@Sharkys: Sorry, sold the RM3 mini red bean and bought 2 RM4 mini’s which works perfectly.
But when you added it, it worked fine.
Oh my… stupid mistake here When you showed me the IP like that, I came to realize it should be …2.141
(I changed the subnet a while ago, and the Broadlink appeared still to be on xx.xx.1.xx, and it didn’t caught my eye )
Well, now the learning mode works again, but sending the commands fails somehow.
I tried both v3.1.54 [test] and later on v3.1.46
Log ID
Ask away now
Thanks for the compatibility with homey 2023👍
Only one question : is it possible to see stored ir codes? (Not name but hexa values)
it is, in JSON format, I will contact you via PM.
Can this app detect / install sub devices from the RM 4 Pro as devices in homey?
Unfortunately not, as this integration communicate directly with the device as such and those sub-deviced are probably stored on the cloud. I’m even not aware if any other integration offers this option (eg. Home Assistant not)
I have a RM pro +, in the app its called RM2 Pro Plus_300. I have tried several times to capture a RF signal, 2-3 different remotes. on a 2019 homey.
This worked at one time but now nada.
Any help would be recieved with Thanks.
Should i buy a RM4? to solve this?
Re-plug your RM2 Pro Plus_300, restart Broadlink app (just to be sure), try to learn RF signal, send diag. log from the app.
No worries, thank you for the quick reply.
I’ll keep plugging away with the learn command process.
Not really KEEP PLUGGING AWAY I suggested that as one time step to rule out connectivity issues that I experienced also in case of RM3 / RM4 Pro few times (for example). Btw, still did not receive any log, so it’s just guess / attempt.