[App][Pro] Bose Devices


I will test soon as I saw that a new Homey firmware is available.

I will keep you posted. Do you want any logs or debug information when i test?

If you are running into any issue, that would possibly be helpful.

app seemed to have stopped and crashed without reason, I did not update homey or the speaker.

Sent you a diagnostic with serial: c7ba33c7-bdfe-47fb-a368-cda38e4d29fd

Been like this for 24h

Did a forced reboot on the app and it solved the issue.

Hi @Shakesbeard! Could it be possible to add custom names to the presets? That would be very helpful!

What do you have in mind there? I mean, like where would you expect that information to show then?

Instead of Preset 1, Preset 2, … it would be handy if we could name these in the settings menu. So we would have “Play Radiostation-name” or “Play Spotify list”.

Ahh. Well that would indeed be a handy feature.
Unfortunately this was not possible as once a device is paired these labels are static.
I do wonder whether the firmware for HP2023 can do that now, but I would not put my hopes onto that.

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Hi All.

Does anybody knows if there will be support for the Bose Soundbar 900 ?


I have a Bose Smart Soundbar 900 and a Smart Portable.
Does it support normally?

SoundTouch devices are supported only.
Bose does not support their smart speaker line for community developers.

Please, when can we expect Bose Smart Portable/Soundbar support?
This intelligence is sorely lacking in the Homey Pro

Hi @KestasM,
Sorry to say that. As much as I would like to add support for those devices myself, Bose is refusing to support this. Eventually I gave up asking. And yeah I kept poking Bose over 2 years about this without any success :frowning:

Feel free to annoy Bose directly about this.

I am not affiliated with Bose and this app is not an official Bose app. I am maintaining this in my spare time only.

v2.0.11 Update

There is a rare app crash which happens then the devices zone info is reported being ‘null’ by the device. I am not sure whether this is a bug in the bose firmware or not. However, this update tries to handle that as a device left the zone.
I personally do not have zone capable devices here to test this. So if anyone wants to torture this functionality, let me know if you see any unexpected behavior.

EDIT: v2.0.12 - There was a little copy paste bug in the previous update ^^‘’