[APP][Pro] Better Logic Library - Just some better logic, variable and library management

Thanx Peter. Now I understand! :+1::+1:


What is the correct place on GitHub? Because I read V1.0.4, but at the GitHub link above, the last update is from 5 years back, and the ReadMe does not go beyond v0.9.12.
Many thanks!!

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Looks like it

And what is your problem? This app does what it does well, so no problem without updates.
Only the upcoming update to sdk3 is a to-do.

(Appstore says ‘updated 3 years ago’ btw)

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Choose the correct branch: GitHub - PatrickSannes/BetterLogic at SDK2
it is up to date!


Many thanks, that was my point / question :wink:
“What is the correct place on GitHub”
I could not find that, and the ReadMe on top of this page, which mentions 1.0.4, refers to the old branch (with 0.9.12). I did a search on GitHub, but it didn’t help.

Thanks for providing the correct link!

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Thanks, Peter! However, the link in this reply also refers to SDK1 (0.9.12). It is the link by Geurt to SDK2. Nevertheless, thanks!

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YW! We can conclude Geurt is way more clever than me :crazy_face::upside_down_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

My link is to the same app repository, but we just had to press ‘Master’ and pick ‘sdk2’ :grin:


haha, great! Thanks for sharing this insight, love to learn things. Enjoy the weekend :wink:


Is better logic gonna be updated?
If not, can a developer take over for you?

BeterLogic has just been transfered to me, and will be updated to SDK3!


That is top Arie, this app have i a lott of flows on it. :wink:

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What I also like about this app is that you can make true or false buttons very easily, as a device and it is immediately linked to a logic for flows.

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If you create a AVD and use its fields as as variables with tags, you have got the exact same thing. Only way less prossesing needed. AVD with fields with tags needs less resources.

yes that could work too. But I’d rather have all the values ​​in better logic its a kind of habituation thingy. :wink: It is nice that you can put a lot of yes and no in a one with your device. That is wel better maybe i will make it new in the future.

You are right, i also use BetterLogic a lot, thats partially why i am taking it over: updating to SDK3 is less work probably then rewriting all flows with BL in it :wink:

And i don’t use AVD that way myself, but, if you really like that a button has control over a flow-tag, i just thought to mention that AVD does that too, but use way less resources (BL is not very optimised tbh imho).

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Busted! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@Peter_Kawa and others:

Now in Test:

Better Logic TEST version SDK3

Please let me know how it goes, but, i use this app a lott, and everything works fine for me.
I don’t cahnge anything on the background, so you can always go back to the Live version.


New in test:

Variables can be created from within flows, just type a name and select it from the list!

Who wants to test?

Please let me know if everything works as expected.


Okay, the new Version has been approved, but i first require more test-users: current there are just two users on Test.

I need more users telling me (or not) that everything is alright, before i release this to the Live, because there are quite a lot of users.

So, who want to test?

I used it a lot myself, and everything works as expected!

I want test it. And i have install yet :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: I look of i found something wrong. But is not so easy with good work from the older version and yours.

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