[APP][Pro] Better Logic Library - Just some better logic, variable and library management

Working flawlessly, thanks.


hi @Arie_J_Godschalk just trying desperately to get your attention, as this bug is driving me kinda crazy nowā€¦ :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_holding_back_tears:
So what is the problem: every so many days, this app stops working on my 2019 Homey Pro. Itā€™s quite annoying b/c other (important) flows are depending on this app functioning properly. I have to reboot this app to have it working again for a few days until it stops working againā€¦ Here is the error log code: 72779ce2-788d-49fd-9d1b-fdc47fb09210. Can you see (hopefully!) whatā€™s going wrong?

Hey @JonE , sorry about that, its kinda busy.
I cannot find a mail with 72779ce2-788d-49fd-9d1b-fdc47fb09210.
Perhaps you can send me a PB next time it crashes?
Because i cannot find a crashlogmail with the ID you gave me.

Iā€™m trying to think of a way to create a avarage value of a value that gets updated every few minutes. But the avarage needs to be the avarage of all the points collected that day until that time. Calculating the avarage every data point again with the (current avarage * 19 + current value) /20 keeps sweeping all around the place

I dont think itā€™s possible with Better Logic or is there a feature iā€™m overlooking ?
Cant seem to find a app that can make tag/value change avarage by day week etc either

Youā€™d try the Insights Trends Reloaded app, Marco.

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@Peter_Kawa Yes, thats it. Works like a charm.
Insights , offcourse thats what i should have been looking for then try to solve it with just logic
Thank you much

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Is this app capable of making a numeric value go to a positive or negative value?
So for instance if a value is -123 it flips this to +123 or the other way around?

if not would someone know another app that does have this cabality?

Loool why donā€™t I just " SET Value Y to {{ Value X *-1 }}"

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You can also do this with the standard Logic card in Homey ā€˜Calculate [numeric value] as [text]ā€™. In which [numeric value] would be your variable in which you want to store the calculation result, and [text] the calculation to be performed (between {{ }}). :grinning:

Not sure if itā€™s been asked before but is there a quick way of changing the sequence of the fields?
I didnā€™t see an option in the repair tab so I just change sensor type twice and the fields goes to the bottom but if you want to change the sequence completely itā€™s a bit of a hassle.
Is there a quicker way?

No sorry, there is not (yet).

OkƩ thanks.
Would be a nice enhancement.
Beste wensen!

Du you know how to ā€œmoveā€ a BLL variable til a homey variable? Or use BLL variables in flows.

You can use them like any other standard Homey variable in flow cards. You can select them as tags in cards.

As an example, the following Homey Logic card tests whether the value of a numeric BLL variable is 10.

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Somehow the BLL variable BllAnchorRPM donā€™t show op in the Homey Logik options.

As I see it: Homey variables can be used with Homey logic and BLL variables can be used with BLL logic - Can you mix them?

Well yeah, but only in places where you can use the token/tag.

Apparently BLL variables are not available in Homeyā€™s own WHEN logic card, nor in the THEN cards. You can use the equivalent BLL WHEN / THEN card. However, BLL variables are available in the AND Homey logic card, assuming you use the card for the correct data type (text, number, etc.).

I believe this is because BLL variables are made available in the standard Homey cards as tags instead of variables. So you need a card that supports tags, which the AND card does (you can select both variables and tags).

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True, but in general you canā€™t use variables or tags as value in WHEN cards which hold a value field.


It seems that after a Homey reboot, the BLL app does not start properly. I then get error messages in various flows where I use BLL. I have to manually restart the app, and then the issues are resolved. However, I assume this is not how itā€™s supposed to work. What can I do to ensure that BLL starts correctly right away?


When you get the error from the top image, please send a diag.

Beste @Arie_J_Godschalk ,

Ik heb net geprobeerd het te reproduceren.
