[APP][Pro] Better Logic Library - Just some better logic, variable and library management

Small change/update in test/review right now (also changed for the Countdown app):

Not only does the Delete All has a confirmation before execution, the single delete button (right above the edit and save :thinking:) now also has a confirmation (Yes/No) before deleting a variable or countdown.


Working again, Arie.Thanks for the fast reponse!

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New in test:
Get a formatted stamp (local time):


And you can format it yourself just like you want it, giving the results during the typing:


New in Test:

The rebranding of Better Logic to Better Logic Library.

I began to restructure and re-design the App Settings for Better Logic., based on Bootstrap, angular-js, font-awesome and some homey style.

Also the first new settings part: Coding:

Who wants to test/see the new settings screen? It’s available on Test.

I would love it if someone who has Homey on not-dutch to go into settings and send me a printscreen of the coding screen:

In Test now:

New App Settings

Let me know what you people think.

N.b. work in progress, advices is still taken!
@johan_bendz :wink:

My Homey speaks English, Arie:

Screenshot 2022-11-10 at 17-34-47 Homey Developer Tools

Screenshot 2022-11-10 at 17-35-08 Homey Developer Tools

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In test:

Better Logic is being rebranded to Better Logic Library, or BLL for coding.

It’s got a new App Settings (being worked on).
Also BLL coding, see the App settings to get a better view on what that is and how to use it.

FTP Client

FTP client now supports BLL coding in all it’s text-arguments, like saving an image to FTP:

Google Services

Google Services now supports BLL coding in all it’s text-arguments, like Start saying […]:

Nice @Peter_Kawa!

Did you try the BLL Coding in the Google Service yet?

New (in develop environment).

The variables last-changed date is now shown in local/configured Locale/langage/country format:

Yes it works nicely!

So it is a good practice to create some predefined favorite datetime variables in BLL?

Ah, I see now I could’ve used datetime as well, it’s almost the same speech output :grinning:

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No, im working on that in BLL itself in a awesome way!

And small change before it’s to late:
SSS are now fff (fractional seconds) and hh is HH (24-hour base) :slight_smile:
See the updated settings :wink:

S and h are gonne atm, h for 12-hour and hh for padded 12-hours will come, but have to find a way to get the AM/PM first :wink:

palnning on implementing as much as i can from Custom date and time format strings | Microsoft Learn


Very neat M8!

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Okay, off to bed, but first: update in test!

The date expression now correctly takes the second argument date from a string or number (and ofc a real date object).
When it’s a number it will be handled as the UTC tick.
If it’s a string based 2022-11-09T04:13:59.813Z it will also be handled correct.

So, now you can use the new Execute BL Expression (as tag f.i.) and have an Insight or other saved dated converted into real dates within flows:



Finally, Date (and numbers coming up next) handling within flows!

An updated Format Date flowcard, optional arguments are date(s), locale and timeZone.
Input of the date can be a String, Number, Date or array of any of those.

Now you can save date’s to variables or where ever, and convert them back in a flow, just the way you want, and have it speak to you the way you want to hear it.


This exact same datobject from the insights card, is in Vancouver timezone the previous day :slight_smile:

Wel almost in test, one moment.

Here you go @Peter_Kawa , in test now:
You can alter all default date/time formats in the App Settings of BLL. And it will change it immediately for all apps that use it.

So, for instance, in the App Settings, in the variable list, there are the Last Set dates, shown as datetime (it’s case-sensitive):

This is the default for NL/Dutch.

If i now change this in the App Settings–> Formats:

Then all dates that are shown in the datetime format, have been changed to the custom format.

There is no direct connection between the shown data, format and BLL.
This works just as if the variable list is not the BLL app itself, it works just through the BLL connector.
Thuse, this would work for every app that uses this datetime object.

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Now Live:

Rebranding BL to: Better Logic Library 2.0.

The Better Logic App has been rebranded to Better Logic Library.
Check out the new App Settings for the new features, like BLL coding in supported apps!

Submitted for review by Athom now!
Edit: Approved!

[APP][Pro] Better Logic Library - For Users - Apps - Homey Community Forum
[APP][Pro] Better Logic Library - For developers - Apps - Homey Community Forum

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Now Live:

It’s in the latest live version i just pushed a minute ago: version 2.1.6.

It will convert EN dates automaticly (and a lott of apps give you the datetime in the default EN, so this will work great for most apps)


Or just in one field:

You should really not abuse things that are not ment for your app. I think you know what I mean. I wonder what happens if you hit the play button.