[APP][Pro] Better Logic Library - For Users


Currently Telegram does not pas STAR * or UNDERSCORE _ or BRACKET [.
To pass all characters I would like to know how I can best do a text replace in a string or text variable.

  1. Replace all STAR * with \*
  2. Replace all UNDERSCORE _ with \_
  3. Replace all BRACKET [ with \[

Example Telegram notification
Error: _app_not_valid; The multiplication of 1000 * number does not work, try again. The temperature is now 11,2 °C. {flow #APP_Test} [end of message]

Option BLL Expression
I could not find it.

Option BLL Library
I refer to the solution proposed by @Patric_Hedin in this thread.
It does not apply to my Telegram requirement, but maybe it shows the way.

Option HomeyScript
I am not sure this is the right way. Will HS allow me to pass any length of string with many different characters, edit it and then output it? Maintaining a HomeyScript for this seems tedious.

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