[APP][Pro] AWTRIX Light - Connected Smart Clock for your Smart Home

Mine doesn’t even beep at boot, even though I thought I had configured it like that on the device itself. I’d already given up, thinking I have a lemon with a defective or missing speaker :slight_smile:

well, calling it speaker is … lets call it ugly beeper :smiley:

My AWTRIX integration in Homey stopped somehow after working for months. Deleting and adding the device again does not fix it. Pairing/adding itself works, but then there is a red exclamation mark. And It says “Device not available. Device did not respond”.

Anybody else with this kind of problem?

What is your awtrix version? App version, do you use user/pass? And can you create report for me? Do you have Homey Pro (2023) or older one?

I did not have this issue on niether of them but maybe i can simulate it better.

And if there is some TS dev with spare time, wrote me please, need a bit of help…

Sure, the infos are:

  • awtrix 0.94
  • awtrix app 1.15
  • No user/pass set, but in the webapp I see a passwort is set. But I do not have to enter it for using the awtrix web app
  • Homey Pro (2023) with latest stable version

Thanks in advance!

It’s resolved. Your hint with user/pass did it. I removed the password and it works. I never entered it although, at least, I do not remember :slight_smile:


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Strange, this combination, with user/pass works for me just fine.

If it’s set on AUTH tab, then you need to set this also in the Homey app…

@Bckp just thinking about the right use case for AWTRIX (currently mostly showing time and some events based eg. on FVE performance, some event around house etc.) but I discovered recently https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.awtrix.light (paid) - it allows to do some kind of maintenance, settings apps, trans. effects, automated firmware updates, setting icons and even creating icons.

So in combination with

It’s great combo overall :wink:

What is the best way to keep some notification running longer time ?

Seems the only way is at this moment STICKY notifications and then after delay, Dismiss notification, correct? Would it be possible also to reflect DURATION ?

It should reflect duration… if you set duration for 60seconds, it should stay 60seconds…

Thank you. Hm, clock comes back, even when I disable them, the notification stays for about 4-5sec max - any idea what could be wrong ?

I’m on AWTRIX Light - 1.1.5 and firmware 0.94… sent you diag (14cccda8-0b94-460a-8955-c8405e2df904), if it helps ?

Sure, i will investigate this… i just need day to have 36 hours :smiley:

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Thank you. Or maybe someone can comment from the Community, that’s why I didn’t hit you on SLACK :wink:

Also sorry for adding more but when I do this, there is no transition effect in place, correct ?


Nope, you cant set transition between notifications sadly, but it is interesting idea, i will speak with blueforcer about that :slight_smile: maybe he can add this into next version

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Installed the test version 1.2.0. Is there a tutorial hoe to install custom apps?

I was even wondering what the custom apps are good for - found just archived repo :wink:

Regarding apps and other uses. It not very complicated to create flows with json post cards and customize it as you please.

For example; when I cast my spotify music to Chromecast, the artist and track will display on the AWTRIX display. See flow in image. The artist and track are repeated 10 times. The dismiss api call will clear the screen to prevent old tracks to show, that’s why there’s a delay. The icon is a Spotify icon.

Use it as a alarm clock is also quite easy this way. You could add a sound too, but the speaker is extreme crappy. If you have a Sonos or Chromecast nearby for sound, that would be way better.

My next -nice to have- would be synced lyrics, but that would require a request to musixmatch for example and sync it realtime with the track. That’s quite a challenge … Maybe later

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Custom app is almost same as notifications, there are only few difference… app will be permanent (until awtrix reset) and will cycle thru all apps you have (date, clock etc are build-in).

I have flow that show in-house and outside temperature, but i want to know temperature all the time, not only when it changes, it is better for me to create custom app, everytime temperature changes, push this as it was new app (it just update data internally) and that is it… now new value will cycle on awtrix clock.


You can do this in 1.2.0 directly via app, but yeah…

True, although I didn’t check the test version I preferred repeat over msg timeout.

Thanks for the app! Great for quick glace of stats and easy control.