[APP][Pro] Audit - Adds logging and tracing to your Homey Pro and integrates into third party systems

Just a brainfart Jamie, but is it an idea to have the option to send any changed state to the Simple Log app log? I think it’s possible without flows.
Maybe it’s something for the future.

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Hey Peter, yes its an option, was waiting on an API to add entires directly to SimpleLog.

Flows are less then ideal as they have had a rate limit which shuts down the flow when many updates happen in a short period.

The app has been submitted to Athom for approval.


Got a message asking me to update the readme file, which I have now done. Hopefully its going off to code review soon.

Got a message from the review saying the readme is now to long :angry: they are like the goldilocks of app descriptions.

The names of the flows are ‘not detailed enough’, i’ve updated to be more detailed but also less correct.

They are concerned that the flows might fire too often for the hardware to keep up with, it actually protected already by flood protection but Ive given them some other options - fingers crossed they don’t ask me to remove the feature all together as it will be useful to the community.

Going to do one more final submission, this process is just to frustrating and time consuming.


Strange, a pity, they normally let the release go and just give you recommendation, so I wonder why they changed approach, mostly when dealing with so experienced developer. :frowning_face:
Just don’t give up.

The readme is too long… :roll_eyes::thinking::woozy_face:
Shoot me :no_mouth:

@Jamie Maybe a readme pointing to a wiki @ git is an idea? Like Baldhor did for example:


Test is approved, let me know how you go.


Hi @Jamie ,
great that the first version is available!

Currently it’s only working with Betterstack, and Syslog will follow later on, right?
And you mentioned above that data would be available as a daily zip file. How can I get this files?

The files are stored locally on the homey and rotated/zipped then eventually deleted.




Do I get it right that I would need to create trigger for every value update or just by setting it in the settings, all activities will be send to the desired target, eg. Betterstack ?

All of the above.

You don’t need to create triggers, the audit will automatically be logged

  • Everything is logged automatically to the enabled targets.
  • And if you want you can also use the flow cards triggers to do additional actions.
  • You can send additional information to the audit (which will send it to what ever you enabled)

The trigger flows are are value-add, the action flows are useful for auditing the paths through your flows.


Hi Jamie,

First of all congrats with the app and app approval.
You probably got my auto-generated crash reports already.
The app crashes @ Homey 2019, i.e. I can’t save settings before it crashes.
If you need me to do anything, just let me know.

Thanks for this app. Very nice indeed!

Are you using the latest test version?

I fixed a crash issue almost immediately but it’s still waiting from approval from Athom?

Thanx Jamie, it works fine now, with v1.0.8

Jamie, @Sharkys This I don’t understand:

I got an API key, and it seems connected
2024-06-28 12:30:06.254] alert: BetterStack is connected
Then I’m lost.
Do I need a ‘Logs API key’? Or a ‘Global API key’?
And, where can I view my logs at betterstack.com?
Do I need to create a dashboard?
I’ve spend hours @ betterstack to try and test → meaning: I really tried, but no luck yet :blush:


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Same problem here, Peter. Absolutely no idea how Betterstack works.
Does “ID” even mean API key?

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@DirkG @Peter_Kawa , I created resource and the copied SOURCE TOKEN.


Ah yes, did that as well, but I was unsure what to select @ “platform”. I choose Javascript.
But that seems irrelevant :man_shrugging:
After adding this API key / token in the app settings, and hitting “>Live tail” at that betterstack page, it works :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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My Aqara devices won’t show up in Audit.
The Info: battery low from devolo device wasn’t recorded either.
Am talking about the local message log.
A restart of apps triggers an Audit flow but no messages in log, using level notice.
Any ideas?
Home pro 2023, version 11.1.1, Audit 1.0.8, Aqara 1.9.0.
Haven’t done a PTP yet.

As timestamp I would prefer local time instead of UTC.


Level Notice doesn’t show all info. I’d like to suggest to use level Info, and if this also doesn’t show the expected data, try level Debug

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