[APP][Pro and Cloud] Daikin ONECTA

Nice, be aware of the rate limiting in the Daikin cloud platform. If not needed don’t send it(all action cards result in a API call)

Max 20 per minute and 150 the day.

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If exceeded, will also the iOS app stop working that day?

Should not be, only the homey Daikin app

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Removing the thermostat class means that I’m no longer able to control it in Tibber or Google Home via Homey. Thats unfortunate because Tibber does not support Diakin directly, and the official Daikin integration to Google Home does not support changing temperature on the Home Hub.

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Again the Daikin in not a thermostat…this was a design choose from the past because of missing classes.

I am the developer of the Daikin app and not responsible for any other apps that “interconnects” (like tibber).

Last but not least is wat Daikin has to say about it.

You should be mindful of the impact of sending rapid commands to heat pumps, especially those involving the start or stop of the compressor (e.g.`onOffMode`). To maintain reliability and durability, it's advisable to avoid initiating compressor start and stop operations more frequently than once every 10 minutes.

It's essential to consider that the startup behaviour of the compressor consumes more energy than during steady-state operation.

Be aware that the focus of the Daikin Onecta Cloud API is mainly on home comfort control. The API is not suitable for reactive control algorithms, like PV solar optimisation, due to the rate limitation. For reactive applications, the Daikin HomeHub provides you with a local interface.

Yes I get the change, just saying this might break something for existing user if they upgrade to the new driver. So lets hope Athom make use of the new classes and add it to the climate widget, Google Home etc.

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Hi everyone, I have been unable to use the app for some time now. Immediately after adding a new device, it goes offline with the error ‘No OAuth2 Client Found’. If I try to repair it, the device figuratively goes back online, but every action returns the error ‘No OAuth2 Client Found’. From the Daikin smartphone app, everything works fine.
Has anyone else had this problem?

Did you try to restart the Daikin onecta app in homey?

you’re right, by restarting the app it works now

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Fixed in latest test version 5.0.4

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Could you add a “prevent turning off” function to the app?

edit: so that pressing on the tile will not turn off the AC/heater


Hi Mickel
Thanks for all the support and nice app.
One feature request from my side, would it be possible to include ´Demand control´ in Homey?
Currently in Onecta you can limit the power consumption of the airco between 40% - 100%, which is very nice to play around with if you have green energy from the sun.
This will allow you to scale up/down the power based on the energy you make with your solar panels.
See prt screen for reference.

I don’t have this option and I have the ONECTA test app (Test Flight). I have a Daikin Perfera.

Please search or read the forum topic before asking stuff that already is answered.

So no. not possible

Hi !

I just got this message in Homey App after Daikin Onecta app got updated to 5.0.5

Your using deprecated driver for your Daikin device Daikin Split Séjour.
Please upgrade to the universal air_2_air_heatpump driver to benefits the full potential of homey. After upgrade please check al flow for this device!

I can’t figure it out. Where should I update the driver ? In Onecta App ? In Homey ?

Thanks in advance for your help and advice !


Hi, I want to ask same. Thanks

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Remove the current Daikin AC devices from homey.
Add the Daikin devices in homey but with the new AIr-2-Air driver.

Check you flows wich uses the Daikin devices.

The new AIr-2-Air driver has some enhancements like energy Reading


where can I check flow which uses?

Just where you normally edit your flows.

energy reading it is a flow card like a turned off or on? Can you send screenshot where is air 2 air? and how can check?