[APP][Pro and Cloud] Daikin ONECTA

Sorry no, basic device addding. The energy reading is there in the AIr-2-Air driver.

but how I can see that flow is using it I donā€™t understand, I canā€™t go to any flow I donā€™t know where to look for this Alr-2-Air driver

Ok I found it!!

Thanks a lot ! It works !!!

So if Iā€™m correct, Athomā€™s Airconditioning class is the reason why we canā€™t control/see the temperature in the climate tab anymore?

Hmm, I have the feeling the previous driver was more reactive. When I for example activate the airco through the Onecta app and I look in the Homey app then itā€™s not turning on until I restart the Homey app.

Maybe the websocket was not connected? same code is used for sync(1) and nearly realtime sync(2) in the latest version and previous version

  1. every 1/2 hour full sync is processed from daikin cloud.
  2. a websocket connection is set up for nearly relatime updates.
    according to daikin it can take up to 30sec before they send the update.
    And if websocket is disconnected for some reason then afcourse no updates wil be received.

Also possible the Daikin Cloud Patform is degraded.
see : https://daikincloudsolutions.statuspage.io/

Dear Mickel_Luiten, does this also mean that I have to rewrite all flows and logic? Or is there an easy way to convert this?

With driver it mens not a Homey app but the ac shouls update with latest driver?

Im confused :sweat_smile:

If I in Homey try to add my Daikin AC, I dont find a app called Air 2 Air? How to update driver? Thnx

You still choose ā€œdaikin onectaā€, but on the next screen there is a different choice

unfortunately yes, but there are some tools/tutorial which can help.
Check : [HOW-TO][Pro][Cloud] - Tool to FIX (advanced) flows after removing and re-adding devices - #30 by Henk_Renting


@Mickel_Luiten is this something you will be able to add?

No, beacuse no device setting is allowed on Homey Cloud.
Can turn it off globaly but then all 6000+ other users also can not control it anymore from tile.
I dont think these users will be very happy to change a basic functionality for 1 other user.

so its not possible to add it only for homey pro? Itā€™s bad to accidentally turn off the heater. heat pumps should not be turned on and off frequently

NO, i donā€™t think that is possible.
Make a flow, if its turn off turn it on again :slight_smile:

Hi Mickel,

I saw that the app was updated to v5.0.5 and since then my Altherma hotwatertank didnā€™t update the values anymore in homey. Tried to repair the app but this was unsuccessful.
So I removed the hotwatertank device and added it again, now it shows the right values but when I try to fix my flow I cannot control anything related to the hotwatertank.
If I add the card turn on hotwatertank or powerful heating I get the message ((intermediate value) is not iterable) so I cannot say it must turn on or not.
Hope you can fix it. I know you are busy with a new driver so maybe that has to do something with this issue.

Thanks for you hard work.

Others users has reported this also.
It is unexpected as i havenā€™t touch the Altherma code.
Currently under investigation.

Fix for the Altherma users in the latest version .


Thanks! intermediate value issue has been resolved

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Hi, since the updated application and remove/readd my aircoā€™s I get errors on both units I have connected: Daikin unit Airco slaapkamer is in caution state with errorcode : U0-00. Onecta app on android does not show any errors. Iā€™m confused now if the unit is in error or it is an error in the Homey app. U0-00 is an indication that coolant level is low.

Isnā€™t hat cool, thats one of the new features :slight_smile:

The data for this comes from the Daikin Cloud (and thats connected to your units)
Iā€™m not sure if the ONECA app for android also show these kind of errors. but as you are the only one that reports this i do think its a real caution. If the units himselfs doenā€™t show any error (on remote e.g) maybe a good old powerdown/powerup will clear the caution or contact your installer.

Codes can be found here https://my.daikin.eu/content/dam/DASW/supportavdelningen/Felkoder_SM-TS3errorcode_chart.pdf