[APP][Pro] Amazon - Alexa

Diagnostic sent 5a4f10ba-34ef-43f4-a781-86dac07b8503

Just went to web browser as you suggested, clicked on Connect and was prompted for Amazon credentials, got the message:
Amazon Alexa Cookie successfully retrieved. You can close the browser.
Now all working OK. Not sure what happened, or what you did, but thanks for a great app. Iā€™ve been lost without it for a couple of days!

I just did the same, added experimental updates, i cloud switch on one, but adter the rest of my commands went ā€œtimoutā€.

Ive managed to add devices again by switching to EU. Rate limits are making it u unusable though. I can switch on like 1 light per 30 seconds. Got two WiFi lights that normally go on when the hue motion detector is triggered but when Iā€™m lucky one goes on (and doesnā€™t go off 90% of the time) :slight_smile:

Thanks ! it work fine :slight_smile:

Im using the experimental version for a while now. I just noticed, that when i want to let an 5th gen echo dot speak, i hear a loud buzz soundā€¦ This happens with every available voice

There is no timeout error for you?

I always had timout or disconnection errors on the Alexa plugin. It hasnā€™t changed anything at this level, I configured a flow so that for each connection problem with Alexa, I receive a notification. Needless to say, I receive them often! :joy:

This seems to be a problem that affects a very few number of people and has been around since the beginning.

Donā€™t know what causes it for some people or why, instead of getting a notice when there is an issue - why not reconnect or restart the app? That can fix the issue

FWIW, the app had been rock solid until recently when I started getting problems. For a while, regular reconnecting was a work-around. However, I started getting problems that could not be fixed by a reconnect or a restart. It took several restarts for the app to show the Amazon connect screen and then several attempts to reconnect.

I suspect something has changed in the authentication process at Amazon. Happy to provide any diagnostics you can suggest, or use a test version if that helps.

Because if I donā€™t have a notification I canā€™t guess that there is a communication problem with Alexa lol
When I get the notification I restart the app.

I have the problem that Alexa can no longer be connected. The server is simply not accessible and I always get the dog pictures :sweat_smile:. Settings fit, but Iā€™ve also tried changing to america etc. (without success).
Uninstalling and reinstalling the app has also done nothing.

Version 5.4.4 of the alexa app has been released to test, it includes stability improvements and the Echo Show 5 (Gen3).

Please let me know if solves the stability issues some users have experienced.


No problem since several months for me.In France ,European server.
Hope it stay that way

Same problem, no connection to Alexa account possible!

@HS64 No connection to alexa is possible with the brand new version of the app I released 5 hours ago?

My is working fine now. Did a quick reinstall from hehe to homey. Restarted app, logged in. All ok.

Thanks Jamie :slight_smile:

I have tried with HomeyPro 2019, HomeyPro 2023, all Browser, iPad, WebApp, Android, delete the AlexaApp, new installation, Server EU, Server USA, amazon.com, amazon.deā€¦and so onā€¦I get no connection ā€¦ only the webpage with the dogs ā€žSORRY we couldnā€˜t find that pageā€œ

And you also tried this:

Cuase the dogs page is most likely the MFA issue

Perfectā€¦now it works!! Many THX