[APP][Pro] Amazon - Alexa

I am also showing no error notifications on the device page on any of the devices. I have also tried to run repair with no luck.

I am literally looking into that now but no luck yet. Researching before buying (Firestick). Maybe IR controls?

Donā€™t think so because i think the remote of firestick is a Bluetooth remote which is not as dumb as IR codes same issue as my xiaomi projector which I canā€™t get to open it even if i can close it using android apps

@mccropolis19 - use the North America server.

@DarrenJ @Ahmed_Wael Firesticks are not typical alexa devices, they arenā€™t ā€˜listeningā€™ nor do they have the ability to do many of the actions that an echo device can - such as make an announcement. Given that there is pretty much no value in using this app for a firestick.


Thanks for the response. FYI I figured out I can control some aspects of Fire TV via routines and then call them using your Alexa app. So all good from my end. Iā€™m able to accomplish what I need (though mindful routines are limited). Cheers

Hi everybody,
for a couple of weeks my flows involving Alexa have no longer worked. Everithing was fine, no parameters has been changed, but suddenly Alexa stopped speaking when asked in a flow.

And what did you already try to get it working again or which checks you did?

My Echo Dot (Gen3) loses the connection every few days. It even seems that it always loses the connection over the weekend, because every Monday morning I notice that the weather announcement no longer works. Is there a permanent solution so that the Echo Dot does not have to be restarted again and again? My primary function of the Echo Dot is for all announcements in my flows, but the ā€œ401 unauthorizedā€ message keeps coming up. Thank you very much for your support.

Did you set a static ip address for the Dot?

No I didnā€™t, I added the Dot to Homey Pro as specified by the app.

Just checking, from the very first post back in 2019

Can you please just confirm that you have slected the right server, also when in doubt try the US server.

Hi, Iā€™ve changed my Amazon password and canā€™t work out how to inform the Alexa Homey App, so that it can successfully re-connect to Amazon. Iā€™ve clicked on Connection in the app settings, but just get a blank screen. So, in the app, I now have multiple red warning triangles and silent Echoes. Any thoughts?

@Jamie, Iā€™m logged in via the US server because it didnā€™t work via the EU server at the beginning. Should I try the EU server next time?

Yeah, try both, there is a way to see what server your devices are on (ie. I remember mine being on the US server as I started getting devices prior to there being a Far east server). Google it and see.

@Chris_Starkey make sure your on the local network which Homey is on, also make sure you dont have both a wireless and wired network connection.

Hi Jamie, thanks for the speedy reply. Yes, Iā€™m on the local network and connection is wireless only. But Iā€™m still not sure how to inform your Homey app that my Amazon password has changed?

Thats not the problem, the real problem is that when you try and connect you get a white screen.

Where as what should happen is it should ask you to log into you account. The alexa app doesnt use your password in anyway, it uses the token created from when you login to your amazon account on their website.

Hi ! By chance does anyone have an idea if the integration of the echo dot 5 is planned?
I scrolled a bit but didnā€™t see anything :slight_smile:

Hi Jamie, Iā€™m defeated by this. Itā€™s been working perfectly (an occasional reconnect) for months. Now I canā€™t move on. Do yuo think re-installing might fix it? I have many flows that use the Echoes to make announcements, and I expect they might break if I re-install - but if it could fix my problem then itā€™s worth it. Would it help if I sent you the diagnostics report? Thanks, Chris

Yeah go to the white page and then send a diagnostic, also try going to the page using the webapp, with the console open - see if any errors show up and let me know what they are.

Use the test version and add it via the experimental device. Has been working well for me for months.

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