[APP][Pro] Amazon - Alexa

Can you show when it says to reconnect in the app settings, and the not found part please.

Sorry for the delay, much more work for my students to do.

Here are som pics in the right order :

As you can see in the last picture I’m supposedly connected but when I go back to Homey, Alexa is still disconnected.

Sometimes it would just reply “Impossible to connect”.

Hi Jamie!

I am new to the app. I tried to search in this thread but didn’t find an answer, so excuse me if I missed it.
Is it possible to activate a group / multi room speaker?

Thank you!

Yes and No, not with the available cards in homey, but you could launch a custom routine for that.
Create a custom routine in the alexa app, then you will be able to find it in homey using the “your alexa device will trigger the “name of the routine” routine”. So yes, but you have to look into it a bit.

Thats all correct there is also the command flow - which allows you to just type what you would like it to do - this supports groups.

“Play music on the downstair group”

Hi Jamie,
is it somehow possible to get an answer from Alexa to Homey? Like:

  • let Alexa say “Do you want to…?”
  • wait for answer
  • return answer to Homey (yes/no…)

Something similar like push notifications with yes/no result, but via voice/Alexa.

Technically it is possible for homey to listen to both what alexa hears and says - then set it up so that if it hears something specific then listen to the answer.

But its not something I have the time to implement; you might be better off using a routine have having alexa listen to a specific item to then fire a custom flow. As that is possible right now.

You mean the scene trigger starting favorite flows in Homey? Yes, that I’m using currently.

Amazon Alexa Routine trigger based on something you say

  • which can either start a favourite flow, or turn on a virtual device in homey - which triggers a flow.

I seem to be suffering from the same behavior. Nothing changed in the app recently. But since last week i cant keep it authenticated any more. I authorize, get the token received message, devices turn without error, but after first use or automatic validation it unauthorized. Every time.

I will try to look into this asap.


What commands can I use in this card. Are there some examples?

All commands you can say to your echo.
So imagine the voice commands you normally use, and type them in :+1:t2:

‘turn off the lights in the bedroom’

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It is basically a direct translation where you type something you can say to Alexa, so you can go a lot deeper then turning devices on/off.

“Alexa open sleep sounds app and play rain on a tin roof”
“Alexa whats the animal of the day”
“Alexa order me a USB stick”
“Alexa call John Smith on Lounge Echo”


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No change here, it’s been weeks since I cannot connect anymore (or that when I succeed, I’m immediately disconnected)… :frowning:

Very sad because I have many flows using Alexa’s voice to confirm this, tell me that… (Garage door is open for more than X minutes, fridge is open for more than 2 minutes, etc.)

There is a newer version which I hope will fix this issue, I am currently testing it and cleaning it up - as it is also compatible with the new HomeyPro there has been more work required then your average update.

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Just a general update on the status of the latest version of this app :

For context this release required 4120 lines of code and is about 75% complete, developers with a homey pro 2023 are able to install and test with it.


will this app work with the Amazon Echo Show 8 2nd gen

Hi @Jamie
Would it be possible to read the next alarm from an Echo5 and provide this as capability (text would be ok as Homey has no date/time capabilities).
Now I use the HomeAssistant integration to get the values but if it would be easy to add to your app it would be a nice addition for Echos used as alarm clock.