[APP][Pro] Amazon - Alexa

Do you have 2FA/MFA enabled, or anything else?

No MFA. Cleared Safari cache, no dice.

Cancelled at Waiting screen. Debug report d506eacb-66c3-4d2e-9b02-1bdd88bafd8c

So I retried with the latest 3.3.700 version. Same problem. Created a diagnostics report: edb63f4b-09b7-4c59-a6ec-57a19e952e53.

Hope that sheds some light. Anything else I can do to troubleshoot: please let me know.

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Actually, to be more precise: behaviour now looks very much like @PJ-AU has described: correct authentication, the ā€œAmazon Alexa Cookie successfully retrieved. You can close the browser.ā€ message and then the waiting screen with the spinning wheel.

When I cancel that and go to my home screen, I can see in my notifications that the connection was dropped approximately 12 seconds after the connect (I created two simple flows to monitor the online status of the app: they each create a notification, one when the app connects to the Amazon server and one when it disconnects).

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I have a similar behaviour (to @Stanley_Merkx) when trying to re-authenticate except that I get an error message from Amazon that the page I am looking for does not seem to exist (EU server). After that when returning to app settings by closing the browser, I get a waiting screen with spinning wheelā€¦
I tried on iOS, iPadOS and Android as on the iDevices I was getting a message from Amazon that I need to enable cookiesā€¦

Need to add:
the authentication went through without any issues when using the Amazon US server ā€¦

I have this issue too now but on US server. Just noticed today that Alexa didnā€™t talk anymore and it was disconnected. Tried to reconnect but it first gives me a captcha after first attempt and at second attempt that Iā€™m looking for a page that doesnā€™t exists. Cookie not retrieved obviously because it doesnā€™t work. Amazon changed something? 9704eaf3-b73c-4726-a21d-1ed6c3a1c906

Did some more tries.
Fails on all servers and sometimes it seems to be ok but in those cases where Amazon seems to provide the right page, the app gets stuck with the waiting screen with the spinning wheelā€¦

Just tried again and now it works again first time. Only diff is that homey app was updated in the mean time, but canā€™t believe that was it.
Anyway I suppose something at Amazon.

Same here, unable to connect atm.
Must have changed something on Amazon side.

Looking for Something?

Weā€™re sorry. The Web address you entered is not a functioning page on our site

After closing, alexa app keeps spinning


Hi @Jamie, I have the same issue as Ros_van_Muilekon. I cannot connect anymore to EU server, even it seems ok, the web page is still spinning. Please find my diag report : 4117f870-8948-43e0-8056-2db199522532.


Unfortunately same issue. Cookies canā€™t be placed it seems

Now itā€™s okay for me :grinning: after restarting alexa app I was able to connect within the amazon website and all my devices respond as wellā€¦for now.

I can confirm that it also works again for me.
Temporary problem at Amazon side?

Hopefully it keeps on working.

hi @Jamie, I cannot connect to EU server since last Update, it says:

Please enter a valid email address or mobile phone number.

E-Mail is correct.
2SV is not on.

i have this same issue, if i keep trying i need to reset password. but also after reset I cant get it authorized anymore. Maybe might long password is the issue? I use auto generated passwords of 24 chars incl symbols. I can login to the amazon websites with this setup

It also allows ā€˜Otherā€™ Smart devices to be added to home with an on/off capability

doesnā€™t work for me he canā€™t find anything

Hi @Jamie,
I have the same issue than shadowz7. I could not connect to EU amazon server even if a change a passWord. The new password is used in amazon web site and it works.

as if the username is not recognized

Ok, Iā€™m able to ā€œseeā€ the cookie issue, which as other have stated seems to be fixed by restarting the app. - Iā€™ll look into this deeper in the future.

In regards to your on/off devices not showing, what device is it, and have you tried ā€œotherā€ smart home devices? Itā€™s possible whomever created the Alexa skill didnā€™t do it as a switch.

Finally EU, Iā€™m is anyone connected to the EU sever still got a working Alexa? And sorry Iā€™m a little unclear as to why met her you all have exactly the same issue? That being your passwords will not work?

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