[APP][Pro] Amazon - Alexa

So simple… Thank you Ron! :grinning:


About half of the issues people have seem to be related to the ‘wrong’ sever. I have no way of finding out which server someone should be on. But I could make it much clearer, does anyone have a suggestion on what the connection page is missing?


Hi Jamie,

In my case, I was convinced that I was on the correct server. So not your fault. Mea maxima culpa.

You could however show an additional line of text saying “Please use the same server as your Amazon account is registered to”.

Hope this helps.

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Hi Jamie,

Play after Alexa Says seems not to work. On my echo dot Gen 2, if I do “Pause” followed by “Play” (delay 10 secs), everythings works as expected (music paused for 10 secs). If I do “Pause” followed by “Alexa Says Whatever” and a “Play” afterwards, Alexa won’t start to play after the TTS.

I have an echo 8 and would like it added. I can help with asset number if anyone has a guide

hi everyone, hi Jamie, thanks for your job, I don’t know if you have some plain to translate in other language your app, if you need an Italian translator I can help you, anywhere today I’ve buy an echo 5 from amazon, 3 days and I’ll test your app! thank you! regards

Hey there, great app! Thanks a lot. When adding new devices for me there is no option to add my Sonos One. Any info on when 3rd party devices will be working (again)?

There is a test version with support for Sonos One available. This was also discussed constantly in last posts.

My bad!
Thanks for pointing it out. I somehow didn’t manage before to switch to the test version.
Done now.

Hello @Jamie , can you add the missing functions in flow cards with Gigaset L800HX or does the hardware not support it?

#Say something: (unavailable)
#Simon says: (unavailable)
#Alexa good morning: (unavailable)
#Calendar: (unavailable)
#Fun with Alexa/sing a song: (unavailable)
#Fun with Alexa/FunFact: (unavailable)
#Play music Spotify: (unavailable)

Hey @lirand odd that Alexa cant ‘say something’, but no with third part devices I have no control over what they do/don’t support.

Can you please give me a list of what the device explicitly does support?

Hello Jamie.

Thanks again for the app.

The following problem occurs with me:
Until now, I had to restart the app every day because there were no more announcements.
This is device-independent.

I use Echo Show 2nd generation and Echo Dot 2nd generation
I helped myself by creating a flow that is 0:01 A.M. restarts the app.
It’s going to work without any problems.

Unfortunately, my Show 8 and Echo Flex are not supported (yet?).
Is it planned to include the two devices, especially the Echo Flex?

sorry for bad english

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Thank you so much for the info! Could someone include this solution to the original how-to post? I think it would be useful for others as well :slight_smile:

any news on echo dot with display support?

Im waiting for assets before it can be added, I do not have the ability to make them myself.

Hi @Jamie I’m more than happy to give asset details on the echo show 8 if you can give me a quick guide on how to do this.

I have just created a diagnostics report if that helps, I have 2 x echo 8’s on my network.


Hey @Jamie

Since today no tts or output when pressing play or weather report. But still seems connected and no errors. Restart of app didn’t work. This is the problem report:
After complete restart of homey it worked again.
I have the idea it’s related to other apps updating (there was a hue update) but no idea how that is related.
Hope it helps.

hey, isn’t it working with the freebox delta that integrates Alexa?

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Hi I am having simular issues.

hi Jamie, I’m looking some easy flow to test my echo 5 , like this: when a door sensor is activate—Alexa says " welcome back mr Bruce"… but when I open the door Alexa don’t say nothing, I do wrong something? thank you

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