[APP][Pro] Alsavo Heat Pump for Swimming Pools

The test link will be available again only once Athom will approve the new version. I assume it will happen early next week.

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Something strange is happening, my heat pump keeps switching to cooling mode. if I switch to heating it switches to cooling again after a short time. And I haven’t changed anything in flows or anything. :thinking:

Cool! Can you send diagnostics report?

I still can’t send reports. it’s so annoying :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

OK. I will pull them from your Homey.

I see the problem.

When I turn on the device, I move it to cool – which is a mistake.

I will debug it and fix it.

The fix will be available only once Athom will approve the previous version (probably Mondy or Tuesday), but please do not uninstall the app (I want to see how your device gets upgraded). You can temporary disable your flows if the issue bothers you.


I have the same problem with pump trying to cool rather than warm and it didn’t really turn on when supposed to, only after running the flow a few times.

I will wait for the update and try again. In the mean time, does anyone wanna show some flows, so I can rule that out as an error (don’t think it is though because it did start when I ran it manually on the 3rd try)

Can you please send me your Homey ID?
I can pull some logs from your device to see what happened there.


I just released version 1.0.11.
This version fixes the issue in which setting On/Off moved the device to “Cool” mode.
In addition, the Set-API (setting on/off, setting temperature, etc) should be much more stable now.
Testers who have the app installed will be upgraded automatically.

I am eagerly waiting for your feedback of any kind (bugs, enhancements requests, etc).
I rally hope this version will be stable enough to publish it to the entire community.

Thanks for testing,

Good morning friends.
Any feedback on the latest version of the app?

Haven’t had a chance to try before today.
Seems to work fine now, it starts from flow, in heating mode, and in the temp and smart mode I have chosen.

Side note: Now works fine in flow with pulling of local electric prices as well, wasn’t sure if those were a problem earlier.

I also hope to be able to test it today when there is a lot of sun and my solar cells will make excess current to drive the heat pump

Dear Friends,

I am happy to announce that the Alsavo Heat Pump for Swimming Pool app was just approved by Athom, and is now available to the entire Homey community.

You can download the app on Homey store:

I would like to thank all the testers that assisted me so much in implementing, testing and stabilizing this app.
Testers - Please upgrade your version to the version from the app store, do not stay on the test-version.

As usual, I am available for for you on any kind of issue: Bugs, Enhancement requests, or anything else you have in mind.


Thanks Gal for your great effort, well done :muscle: :muscle:

Happy to assist

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