[APP][Pro] Alsavo Heat Pump for Swimming Pools

It works for me also :
All these pumps seem to be made in china by one big manufacturer and the iPhone app is. (Chinese). They are sold under different “brand” names… (to make you believe it is European!!) . So Alsavo is the app for this manufacturer behind it . And then Alsavo app for homey also works for all these “pseudo brands”.
And this is nice !
But not sure regarding flows what “temperature “ means because there lots of temp ( exhaust, out, ambient etc). Could you (developer) be more specific? It will help.
We would need also to be able to use temp from temp sensor - weather or better a floating pool sensor (like bueriot) :
for instance when you are at the beginning of swimming season you dont want to heat the water if outside temp or water temp is too low… but when you reach a kind of target (ie 21C) then you switch on the pump to reach 23 or 26 for instance. Since heating water is a long (and costly)process I believe it is the only data we can use to drive the pump. We cannot use temp sensor as in a room .

Thanks anyway for the job !

Christopher Charpentier

No need to lower interval. Nothing is more annoying that an app that does not reflect real time values ! I believe homey can handle it without any pb.

Christopher Charpentier

I’d normally agree with you to some extent, however in hour-graph you can see alot of sensor “noise”. See example:

This would have been nice to smooth out atleast. I understand lenghtning the interval would not solve the noise issue, but perhaps some smoothing can be worked in the code?

With regards to the names of the temperature values, i belive this is retrieved directly from the app, i.e. they are the same names as in “parameter” in the Alsavo app.
The “Temperature”-value without anything else I assume is the “Water in” temperature, which is simply the temperature in your pool, before running trough the heat-pump, which basically renders any floating sensors unneccecary unless for calibration or redundancy purpose.
Have a nice evening, or day, or night, depending :slight_smile:
Best regards

Regarding temp, I am sorry but I don’t agree … :

in the app you have different names (see capture) : water out, ambient, heating pipe, IPM, exhaust… but in flows you only have “temperature”…

My request is to be able to use other temperatures sources because if you use what you mention as “water temperature” it is in fact “water out” temperature and when the pump is working it is the temperature of the water being heated by the pump and it cannot be used as a reference of course (!)

At least you would need the “water in “ temp that exist in alsavo app but not in alsavo/homey app….

Also FYI the floating sensor is not only for temp but also for PH, Chlorine etc. and is very useful… and the temp data would be better .

Best regards

Hi Guys,

I am very glad for tis discussion. It means that the app is working, and even more important - it seems to bring value to Alsavo owners, which is excellent.

As for the refresh frequency, I guess its a matter of personal taste. As some would like to have the data as accurate as possible, and get notified on the exact second that a datapoint has changed, the other would prefer some smoothing of the data to be able to see trends in comprehensive charts.
I think that the best option here would be to export the refresh interval to a configuration under device-settings.
So if the user will configure the system to refresh-interval=0, the update would be immediate (as it is today), and if the user puts the refresh-interval=x, then the refresh would take place every X seconds creating a smooth data points for following trends.
What do you think about this solution?

As for the capabilities names -
The measure-temperature is actually the “Water In” temperature, which actually means the actual temperature of the water in the pool.
I can not change the word “temperature” on the Homey built-in thermostat GUI, it has to remain “temperature”. But what I can do is to add an additional capability called “Water In Temperature” that will show the exact same value of the “Temperature” of the thermostat.
Do you think this will solve the problem? Or would it be even more confusing having both “temperature” and “water in temperature” showing the exact same value?

Thanks a lot for you swift answer !

I do agree on refresh interval. Perfect solution.

Regarding temp value name, I understand it is not on your side. So don’t bother with another capability, it could be confusing , but just add a note telling what you use as value (in interface or in description of app).

Beside, you did not tell about “outside source” possibility for temp data for flows…

Thanks a lot for your work !

Just one more question :

I want to create a flow that activates the pump “when” the “water in” temp is reaching 22C (because I don’t want to heat the pool if it is too cold).

I would like in the flow to add the condition that the pump is not already activated (to avoid possible endless repetition of activation since the temp will rise above that value).

For that, I need to add the card : “ and the pump is NOT (already) activated”. But I don’t find it. I only find “is activated”.

Could you add “is not activated” ?

Thanks !!

For that, you can use the “value is false” point of the condition:

Is this what you need?

So how does it work exactly?
Assuming I have a “thermostat” device in Homey which is the “external source”.
How do I technically tell the Alsavo app that the temperature should be taken from this device?

Perhaps but this is not in std flows. Is it in advanced flows ?

Christopher Charpentier

Thanks, I totally agree with your proposed solution, although it ofcourse brings more work for the developer, yourself :slight_smile:
For some reason the app have not been disconnecting anymore, so no diagnostic reports for you to read, sorry about that :smiley:

EDIT: Murpyhs law struck. Possible disconnect. DIAGNOSE: d337c586-2c22-4b83-abdc-2b2c72de8655
EDIT#2: It started reporting again without restart after about 30min. See graph:

@Gal_Carmeli I use also a floating sensor btw for the same purposes. ICO Pool, perhaps you have the same? I find that this sensor consistently reads the temperature 0.8degC lower than “water in” for the Heat Pump. I do trust the Heat Pump more in this regard, as it is not as affected by the temperature gradient in the top of the pool.
Enjoy your tinkering!

@Christopher_Charpent = yes, this is advanced flow, but you can also do it on standard flows:


@Mainnsto -
Looking at your logs, I see the following:

  • I received the diagnostic report on 6:57 AM (GMT time)
  • The last report was done on 6:56:12 AM (GMT time).
  • The one before that was done on on 6:55:02 AM.

So it seems that the device is reporting data properly.
We therefore have two options:
Either the data that the device is sending is wrong, or the app gets the data but I am not handling it properly.
The last bulk of data I got from the the device is this:

--------> 6:56:12 AM <---------
Status Params:

16 => Water in temp 30.6
17 => Water out temp 31.8
18 => Ambient temperature 11.9
19 => Cold pipe temperature 0
20 => Heating pipe temperature 4
21 => IPM module temperature 25
22 => Fan speed (RPM) 847
23 => Exhaust temperature 68.2
24 => Compressor input temperature 0
25 => Electronic exhaust valve opening setting 100
26 => Compressor current (amps) 4
27 => Compressor running frequency 70
33 => Compressor speed setting 4
34 => Frequency limit code 0
48 => Alarm code 1 0
49 => Alarm code 2 0
50 => Alarm code 3 0
51 => Alarm code 4 0
52 => System status code null
53 => System running code 3
54 => Device status code 47
55 => Heating max temperature 41
56 => Cooling min temperature 6
64 => Device type 0
65 => Main board HW revision 5905
66 => Main board SW revision 4391
67 => Manual HW code 5905
68 => Manual SW code 4391

Config Params:

1 => Heating mode target temp 360
2 => Cooling mode target temp 280
3 => Auto mode target temp 280
4 => System config bitmask 1 49
4001 => Operating mode 1
4002 => On/off 1
4003 => Timer on enabled 0
4004 => Timer off enabled 0
4005 => Water pump running mode 0
4006 => Electronic Valve style 1
4007 => Debug mode 0
5 => System config bitmask 2 0
5001 => Manual Defrost 0
5002 => Factory settings / set Valve mode 0
6 => Manual frequency setting 50
7 => Manual EEV setting 350
8 => Manual fan speed setting 500
9 => Defrost in temp -70
10 => Defrost out temp 200
11 => Water temperature calibration 0
12 => Defrost in time 40
13 => Defrost out time 12
14 => Hot over 30
15 => Cold over -20
16 => Power mode 2
17 => Unknown 6
32 => Current time 2105
33 => Timer on time 0
34 => Timer off time 0

Is this data wrong?
How did you conclude that the device did not receive any data and was hung?
Which datapoint do you present in the graph? The temperature

As for the floating sensor - Well, I don’t have it. I also don’t have the Alsavo heatpump. Hey, I don’t even have a pool :rofl:
But I understand the requirement, I just don’t understand the way its implemented. If I have that sensor, would you want to somehow let the Alsavo device in Homey know that this sensor would be used as the source for the temperature? How? On the device configuration?
@Christopher_Charpent - this question is also or you, if you have something in mind, please share.

Great ! I did not know this trick !!

Christopher Charpentier

Personally I don’t have pb with the data
Regarding other source for data like temp, I suggested that possibility only for flows. In flows you can combine data from different sources (like switching on light when I am present)
But I believe this must be implemented by the developper …

Christopher Charpentier

But this can be done also today, right?
A flow can involve several devices together. For example, when the floating-device goes below 25 degrees, turn on the heatpump.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to push-back your idea, I am just trying o understand the exact use-case of what you are suggesting so I can implement it.

I am sorry for my ignorance! When I tried a new flow I could not get another source
But I just tried after your mail and found how to replace card with any other source of data… I thought I could not do it…
So don’t worry ! I am ok now to implement what I want.
Thanks a lot for your help and fast answers!
Best regards

Christopher Charpentier

Perfect! :blush:

Hi, I had kids birthday party etc, so no time to investigate. It’s nevertheless hard to look at raw data and find where it is wrong, the way i discovered is simply by looking at the “noisy” graph suddenly getting flat (see sniplet i posted last), before eventually returning to it’s normally noisy self again if i’m lucky :slight_smile:
Additional info, I had luck a few times - it seems with just adjusting the set-temperature on the device - and then the sensor values would start updating again. Perhaps my homey is so busy it will que something(?)

First - Happy birthday!!! :blush:

It’s not related to load on Homey, it’s the Alsavo that did not update the app with data. Maybe Alsavo was busy, but this is also not very likely.

  1. How much time was it flat?
  2. Which noisy capability you are using? (what is the name of the noisy capability?)

Next time you see it goes flat, please send a diagnostic report, maybe I will see something that I didn’t see on the previous report.