[APP][Pro] Alfen - Optimal Charging, Smarter Homes: Powering Efficiency for You and the Grid

That seems to solve it! If I close the android app and change the settings through homey it works. Will check coming period to see if it holds up. Thanks.

Bought a beer for the effort!

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Ik wijzigde net de RFID naar plug en play (toen werkte de paal niet meer) terug naar RFID, en nu werkt mijn pasje niet meer. lijkt erop dat er wat uit het geheugen gegooit wordt. Ik bel straks even met de provider om erachter te komen of er iets en wat exact terug gezet kan worden.

Wellicht is je pasje uit de whitelist gegooid. Kun je zelf niet bij die instellingen?

zou eerlijk gezegd niet weten waar en hoe dan het pasje weer terug te zetten. Waar en welke info zou ik moeten plaatsen?

I just tested en setting the limit to 1A basically stops the charger as the amount of power is to low to charge. However Power and others are not updated anymore. I restarted the app, but still the same. Very happy tough were you are at this point :slight_smile:

In de app bij white list

That wouldn’t be good… changed it yesterday a couple of times to test, hope I can charge my car still :smiley: Gonna try tonight when I need to charge again…

Voltage will always be “on” so to say. The Ampere (Stroomsterkte) is somehow with me for L3 also always around 50A. I don’t know if this is normal, or a bug in their measurements… haven’t figured it out. 50 also seems quite high…

The values are only updated once they change. So it might be that it doesn’t seem to refresh, but if the values are the same, they won’t update :slight_smile:

Are there any values that you find odd, that should be different in your opinion?

Also, make sure to close (logout) of the mobile app, otherwise refresh won’t work… And it might be that my reset counter than also breaks… but have to figure that out… I can’t test that really because I can’t access the charger through my phone because it is on another subnet :frowning:

50five can’t get it remotely to work either. they have forwarded me to the support department…

“Vermogen” showed the correct values in the last app version. Now it is not updated anymore, while I did some charging. So should have changed. Eg Energy, voltages and temperature still updates. Status also updates and nicely shows Pauzed when the amperage is set to 1A. Vermogen value I’m really missing now

Have you tried switching the Alfen charger off and on again?

And are you able to login with the smartphone or laptop/pc to verify settings?

And the last one: you might have 1 RFID card that acts as Mastercard which allows you to whitelist other RFID cards (if indeed this is the issue). This works by 1st scanning the Mastercard and 2nd scanning the card that you want to add.

yes, did a power cycle, reset from the app, and 50five reset it from their side as well. no success

If I login the alfen app it shows a picture to show the rfid tag. it also mentioned the car is connected but not authorized (which is what 50five also mentioned, that the system is still showing it is connected).

I have one card and one small tag (the latter I always use), let me try that (connecting the card).

nope, main card also not accepted. Hopefully 50five can solve it today. will let it know here.

For now, maybe lock the RFID change option…

Received this from 50five:

Hartelijk dank voor de mail,

Ik zag dat er een instelling nog op plug en charge stond deze heb ik voor u aangepast naar de juiste autorisatie.

Working again!

Can you check which setting it is currently on then? What you can do is reboot the app, and then after it comes back-up and had it’s first refresh round (+/- 30 seconds) send me a diagnostics report. Then I can see to what setting it is set now (and if that is the one that I send for a RFID change :slight_smile:).


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Bummer, the log is cut off by Athom, so I only see the last bit of the response results, but not the one for the property 2126_0. Can you see in the Alfen app to what the setting is set? E.g. do they indeed show only two options in the menu? “Plug and Charge” and “RFID”? Or is there secretly a third option?

you mean this one:

I only see two

Yeah, but this is in the Homey app right? Or is this in the Alfen app?

This should be working again in the new test version. Made a typo :frowning: