[APP][Pro] Advanced Triggers - Trigger and action cards with eventname for Advanced Flows

No, i don’t see that posibility right now in AT.
Technicly it could be made, but placing variables in the Trigger, i am not sure that thats a very good idea, performance wise. I might look into it (some day/right now a bit).

But first let’s see if i have a better solution for you: The default Homey Alarms.
Perhaps it’s best you create 1 or 3 Alarms for this.
This gives you some excellent management options through the Homey app.
And, the only thing missing is a flow to set the times, but here is a HS i created for it yesterday :wink:

let alarms = await Homey.alarms.getAlarms();
let alarm = _.find(alarms, a=>a.name=='AlarmName');
await Homey.alarms.updateAlarm({id:alarm.id, alarm: {time:'20:19'}});

QlusterIT / nl.qluster-it.Chronograph / issues / #4 - Set a clock time and trigger on the set time — Bitbucket

The script is only needed to update times, enabling/disabling alarms can be done through normal flow cards.

Does this fit your need?