[APP] Philips Hue - Transform the way you experience light

My apologies for the seperate topic, thanks for moving it!

No, the bulbs did not have the warm color used beforehand. There just isn’t any explanation why it is happening sadly.


I have fixed it.

I should have used the test function in Homey. Now I have seen the line it is super logical it failed, both of the conditions were true. Thanks anyway!

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Having great success with the Official Hue app test versions, until today. Homey pushed 4 updates and somewhere in there the connection to my one Tap Dial broke and won’t repair. Have messaged Homey support. Anyone else having this issue?

was looking for this. my tap dials wont work, 1 out of 4 filament bulbs respond, tried restarting the app but nothing is working PH related. Gonna try a homey restart now. If that dosnt solve the issue ill try restarting hue bridge. Frustrating having an update break a setup. This is a first for me with philips hue and homey.

I have 3 hubs and the scenes from one, the same one the tap dial is paired to, weren’t showing. Restarting the Homey Hue app solved all apart from the Tap Dial. 4 updates pushed in one day is a PB for Homey, I think. One of those updates did fix most of the scene problems, such as they were, so I am almost expecting another update very soon. Messaged support anyway

did a full restart of homey and hue. I can confirm i have a fully broken smart home. sensors offline, hue dial offline, bulbs come and goes in the app. had to manually turn off every room via native app tonight. Note to self: Never ever ever auto update apps! hoping for a fix before the mornig!

I’m sure you’ve tried this but, just in case, did you try a repair in Homey which requires you to push the button on your hubs?

Apperciate the suggestion! I did indeed try that. My ultimate fear is if I’m the only one with the issue and have to reinstall the app as that would cause a lot of work repairing all the flows. If it’s not fixed by tomorrow I’ll try flushing the homey with a backup from before the update!:blush: thank you for the suggestion though!

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No you’re not the only one
All my devices are unreachable. The only hint I get on the cause is some API message after trying to repair

Edit after repair hitting on the bulbs I get: cannot find device undefined in hue V2 API

They pushed another test version which fixed the issue :slight_smile:


Just had the email from support, won’t be home for hours so will check later. Quick support though

6.1.10 fixed the issue. Had to manually push the update but no pressing the hue button needed. You could try remotely tho

Fantastic response from Homey on this, the fix has worked, I’m back to all my Hue devices working as expected.

I got the 6.1.10 update yesterday (1/5 @ 19:38) and have since lost alle connections with all my Hue devices … restarted everything several times to no avail … hopeless ?

Rarely hopeless. You’ve restarted Homey? A full PTP or just restart within app? Did you try a Repair within Homey Hue app, involves pushing the button on your Hue Bridge.

Tnx, indeed not hopeless … slowly things came back after hours of waiting and several restarts of a.o. the Hue app. Repair of individual devices (with the button on the bridge) did not really work. In the end it didn’t become clear to me why it was broken and why it is working again.


I have a Philips Hue tap dial switch. It has a ring to dimmer the light on the switch. How can i build a flow to dimmer the lights?

Haven’t really had much chance to figure this out, suffice to say it is not as easy as the dial function is in the Hue app. What I have got so far is…

It kinda works but not as well as I want

Hi ,
I used to have the ability to flash a hue light a single time , i used this for several “polite” in house notifications, such as a shower timer every 5 min , doorbell etc . As I remember correctly i had the option for short and long flash effect

But since a few days, i suspect one of the last hue app updates , this is changed to flashing for 15 seconds which might be the old long flash effect.
And now I only have one option "flash light " under the action cards. And this turned my house in an involuntary Disco at times.

Can someone explain why this is ? Is it a new limitation of some sorts and or are there other ways to get the “old” single flash back? In a single action ? Or do i have to manually make a flow for each light to turn it off and on again or on and off again depending on the current state of the light?

To clarify I use a homey pro 2016-2019 and the hue bridge and the official hue app from athom which all run the latest available stable software versions.


I think only the app creator, Athom, can answer this → Support | Homey

They have been quite busy with updates, maybe they introduced the change you reported ‘by accident’

I sent a support request to Athom , but that might take some time :).

I hope it is indeed just a mistake in one of the updates.