[APP] Official Tuya App for Homey

I did not know that. Thanks!

It took some days to find out, but now I have the AdlarCastra Aurora 2 heatpump connected to Homey Pro. I can read many variables in Homey and made a flow to activate my floor heatpump the moment the Aurora 2 starts working.

For those who are dummies like myself:

  • Add in Devices “Tuya - Unknown” and follow all the steps.
  • In the Advanced Flow select the “Status xxx gets a new number value”
  • For xxx I selected “compressor-strength” which returns a value in Hz: when 0 the Aurora is off.

I still cannot control the Aurora with Homey but the first steps have been made :grinning: .


I am getting this error: Invalid Value: led_type_2

It is a Tuya 2 Gang dimmer. These are the device specifications:

{ “device”: { “active_time”: 1723816911, “biz_type”: 18, “category”: “tgq”, “create_time”: 1650747401, “icon”: “smart/icon/ay15327721968035jwx9/158754172045f19c21b2e.jpg”, “id”: “bf7cf056557c7a9f18qvnd”, “ip”: “”, “lat”: “”, “local_key”: “”, “lon”: “”, “model”: "105B ", “name”: “Eet tafel lamp”, “online”: true, “owner_id”: “”, “product_id”: “kqm0mqzb5zazewsb”, “product_name”: “WiFi 2Gang Dimmer Module”, “status”: [ { “code”: “switch_led_1”, “value”: false }, { “code”: “bright_value_1”, “value”: 802 }, { “code”: “brightness_min_1”, “value”: 21 }, { “code”: “led_type_1”, “value”: “incandescent” }, { “code”: “switch_led_2”, “value”: false }, { “code”: “bright_value_2”, “value”: 651 }, { “code”: “brightness_min_2”, “value”: 10 }, { “code”: “led_type_2”, “value”: “LED” }, { “code”: “countdown_2”, “value”: 0 }, { “code”: “work_mode”, “value”: “white” } ], “sub”: false, “time_zone”: “+02:00”, “uid”: “”, “update_time”: 1727382043, “uuid”: “” }, “specifications”: { “category”: “tgq”, “functions”: [ { “code”: “switch_led_1”, “type”: “Boolean”, “values”: “{}” }, { “code”: “bright_value_1”, “type”: “Integer”, “values”: “{"min":10,"max":1000,"scale":0,"step":1}” }, { “code”: “brightness_min_1”, “type”: “Integer”, “values”: “{"min":10,"max":1000,"scale":0,"step":1}” }, { “code”: “led_type_1”, “type”: “Enum”, “values”: “{"range":["incandescent","halogen"]}” }, { “code”: “switch_led_2”, “type”: “Boolean”, “values”: “{}” }, { “code”: “bright_value_2”, “type”: “Integer”, “values”: “{"min":10,"max":1000,"scale":0,"step":1}” }, { “code”: “brightness_min_2”, “type”: “Integer”, “values”: “{"min":10,"max":1000,"scale":0,"step":1}” }, { “code”: “led_type_2”, “type”: “Enum”, “values”: “{"range":["incandescent","halogen"]}” }, { “code”: “countdown_2”, “type”: “Integer”, “values”: “{"min":0,"max":86400,"scale":0,"step":1}” }, { “code”: “work_mode”, “type”: “Enum”, “values”: “{"range":["white"]}” } ], “status”: [ { “code”: “switch_led_1”, “type”: “Boolean”, “values”: “{}” }, { “code”: “bright_value_1”, “type”: “Integer”, “values”: “{"min":10,"max":1000,"scale":0,"step":1}” }, { “code”: “brightness_min_1”, “type”: “Integer”, “values”: “{"min":10,"max":1000,"scale":0,"step":1}” }, { “code”: “led_type_1”, “type”: “Enum”, “values”: “{"range":["incandescent","halogen"]}” }, { “code”: “switch_led_2”, “type”: “Boolean”, “values”: “{}” }, { “code”: “bright_value_2”, “type”: “Integer”, “values”: “{"min":10,"max":1000,"scale":0,"step":1}” }, { “code”: “brightness_min_2”, “type”: “Integer”, “values”: “{"min":10,"max":1000,"scale":0,"step":1}” }, { “code”: “led_type_2”, “type”: “Enum”, “values”: “{"range":["incandescent","halogen"]}” }, { “code”: “countdown_2”, “type”: “Integer”, “values”: “{"min":0,"max":86400,"scale":0,"step":1}” }, { “code”: “work_mode”, “type”: “Enum”, “values”: “{"range":["white"]}” } ] }, “data_points”: [ { “code”: “led_switch_1”, “custom_name”: “”, “dp_id”: 1, “name”: “Switch1”, “time”: 1727425264035, “type”: “bool”, “value”: false }, { “code”: “bright_value_1”, “custom_name”: “”, “dp_id”: 2, “time”: 1727386681411, “type”: “value”, “value”: 802 }, { “code”: “brightness_min_1”, “custom_name”: “”, “dp_id”: 3, “time”: 1727020771960, “type”: “value”, “value”: 21 }, { “code”: “led_type_1”, “custom_name”: “”, “dp_id”: 4, “time”: 1727020772585, “type”: “enum”, “value”: “incandescent” }, { “code”: “countdown”, “custom_name”: “”, “dp_id”: 6, “time”: 1727020769595, “type”: “value”, “value”: 0 }, { “code”: “led_switch_2”, “custom_name”: “”, “dp_id”: 7, “name”: “Switch2”, “time”: 1727020770058, “type”: “bool”, “value”: false }, { “code”: “bright_value_2”, “custom_name”: “”, “dp_id”: 8, “time”: 1727020770437, “type”: “value”, “value”: 651 }, { “code”: “brightness_min_2”, “custom_name”: “”, “dp_id”: 9, “time”: 1650747401925, “type”: “value”, “value”: 10 }, { “code”: “led_type_2”, “custom_name”: “”, “dp_id”: 10, “time”: 1727020772779, “type”: “enum”, “value”: “LED” }, { “code”: “countdown_2”, “custom_name”: “”, “dp_id”: 12, “time”: 1727020769598, “type”: “value”, “value”: 0 }, { “code”: “work_mode”, “custom_name”: “”, “dp_id”: 13, “time”: 1650747401925, “type”: “enum”, “value”: “white” } ] }

See screenshot:

I have tried restarting, re-adding device etc. Nothing works. Does this something to do with the Tuya Homey app which is not supported with this dimmer?

I cannot add devices at all. Tried both official and experimental app versions. Tried uninstall and re-install app. Updated homey to latest version. When logging in to add devices from mobile it loads forever. When trying from pc it loads and says token already authenticated if I try again. No devices will add to homey however I try. I have 3 plugs that just won’t add…

Followed these instructions?

The Tuya App for Homey is compatible with both the ‘Tuya Smart’ and ‘Smart Life’ apps for iOS and Android. Before connecting your Tuya-enabled devices to Homey, ensure they are first linked to one of these apps.

Your 3 plugs are connected to one of these 2 apps?

Devices works great from the tuya smart app.

Update on the 10th try:

Another laptop with win11 and chrome (instead of win10 and edge).
connected to ssid WiFi for IoT at home (same network, just different SSID)

When empty box comes up with text “new devices found” I clicked the empty space and THEN it loaded icons for my plugs to connect.

Seems like a render issue of the popup window that won’t populate with devices unless user inputs on the box. Like an invisible “confirm button” after message of new devices found.

Changed it

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Don’t know exactly what you did, because it looked really weird. That’s why I corrected it myself.
The reason why codes should be written in pre-formatted text is, that a post is not several pages long. In addition, the code can now be easily copied.

I understand sorry for the misunderstanding. Not very active on forums.

I also just saw that the Tuya dimmer is fully functional now. I didn’t do anything and don’t see any new updates. Did something change?

No problem, Atilla.

Because I don’t use this Tuya app and therefore I have also no Tuya dimmer in use, I’m not able to help you, sorry.
But I’m sure you will be helped. @Doekse and @Peter_Kawa, do you have any ideas?
(Sorry to mention you, but you are the only Tuya experts I remembered spontaneously)

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