[APP] Homey ESPresense room presense system

Question about how the app works.

I noticed When I was testing the version that you could add a beacon device.

I’ve upgrade to version 1.05 and I can’t find a beacon device when I try to add a new device. Do the beacons devices only appear on first “install”?


The beacon device isn’t finished yet (doesn’t do anything).
I accidentally already put it in the code.
I took it out for the release at it isn’t functional at the moment.

Ahh. Where did you get up to. Maybe I could finish it ?


It is still in de code just dragged the folder outside the driver folder. If you drag it back in there its back. But it was mainly only the start.

My idea is:

On pairing you get the list of devices that are in the mapping table.
When added this “beacon” als device has a room sensor.
The closed sensor you have been will be the room sensor value.


Hey Menno,
great app you built there.

Will it be possible to use additional sensors such as PIR, temperature or brightness sensors?

It is possible to configure these inputs in the ESPresence configuration, but so far I have not been able to find them in homey.