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I’ve been considering the feasibility of creating a binding for emhass, an energy management system. However, I’ve only found documentation on adapting current sensor values. Can the system also accommodate future values, such as forecasts?
Could you provide insight into how this binding operates? For instance, in this example: Frank Energie App voor Homey | Homey. Does it maintain an internal file where each flow checks its database for the current value?
At “Frank Energy” they do not recognise a partnershipmwith homey.
So the “official” mark with the app does not mean they have any relation to “Frank Energy”
I discovered some program faults in the Frank Energy app and contacted them via serveral times but don’t get any response ……
The app is last updated in November 2023, so more then a year ago!
The cards “Stroomprijs is lager” and “Stroomprijs is hoger” seems to be opposite working and when you choose reverse the text “hoger” and “Lager” does not change.
Also it is not possible to test a flow when a Frank energy card is added, the passing marks you normally see does not work.
I can’t find good example flows or can’t find any howtos on the web or on YouTube