App Creation using Windows Command Line

Hi all,

I am a newbie developer and trying to code a Homey app using Windows Command Line.

I have installed nodejs and Docker as per the Developer instructions.
I followed the steps on the Homey Developer Video -

Editor: VS Code

When I try to run the app, homey app run does not start to pre-package.

For assistance, please.


Try homey app run --remote
And make sure the path is the app directory
Other useful stuff:

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As suggested by Peter, you don’t need the docker if you don’t create an app for HomeyCloud.
app run --remote installs and runs the app on the Homey itself.

Thanks! -remote worked. I had docker installed. I wonder if that is the reason why the app was not being pushed to Homey itself.

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Not using --remote is the reason why the app was not being pushed to Homey itself.

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