[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 2.0.14, Test 2.0.17)

Thanks for the information, I will take a look at the code with that in mind.
Just out of interest, are the curtains paired in the SwitchBot app?

With paired you mean combines as 1? No they are not, just 2 separate curtains, both in the iOS Switchbot app and Homey.

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I just received a Switchbot H&T indoor/outdoor sensor, but I canā€™t connect it (Itā€™s my only Switchbot device). It seems not supported?

Itā€™s a replacement for a faulty Alecto sensor

Iā€™ve paired it using Switchbot hub mini and hub2 too. It provides temperature and humidity.

So I need hub mini Ɣnd hub2?? just for one tempsensor?

This sensor was recommended by someone who clearly forgot to mention that you cannot connect this sensor to Homey without further hardware (that was what I asked)

If Homey is close enough, you should be able to connect via BLE, but the range is not good.
You only need one of the hubs if you decide to go that route. The advantage is they can be placed close to the sensors and connect to Homey via the web API.

Iā€™ve tried to connect it, but this particular sensor seems not available (at least not that particular productshape). I tried this one, with the sensor next to Homey

But canā€™t get it to connect

That should be the correct one. Can you try the test version of the app?
I will double check later to make sure it is still working.

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I will try tomorrow (not home a.t.m.)

I have just checked and my Homey finds all 3 of mine via the BLE device. Two of them are inside my Fridge/Freezer, so fairly well shielded as well. Although I must admit itā€™s via my own ESP32 based hub.
Have you added them to a SwitchBot account using the SwitchBot mobile app to initialise them?

I downloaded the SB app, logged in with my googleaccount and added the sensor. That worked great. After that I was able to add the sensor to Homey, and it also works on the position I need it (outside). Around 6m from Homey with an outer wall in between.
Signal is between -70 and -90 so I think thatā€™s not great, but it updates so seems to be okay.


Iā€™m assuming I can remove the Andoird app on my phone?

Thatā€™s great, thanks for letting me know.
Yes, you can remove the app now if you want to as the BLE connection is between Homey and the device. However, the Switchbot app will allow you to update the device firmware, etc, if required.

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So I need hub mini Ɣnd hub2?? just for one tempsensor?

Thatā€™s not what Iā€™ve written above. Iā€™m using the Hub2, because the devices are not in range of my homey. And: I want to switch all devices from API/BLE to matter (if it becomes available for the device by firmware update through SwitchBot).

It seems you got it running with help from @Adrian_Rockall
Fine :slight_smile:

Would be nice if thereā€™s a wall mount for the new outdoor sensor. Iā€™m using the lanyard with a wall hook. Maybe someone here have a hint how to get one :thinking:


It was kind of you to offer help, so thank you for that.
I could see the possible confusion after zakraketā€™s reply, although your answer was correct.

I havenā€™t seen anything to hold them, but I havenā€™t been looking.

Thank you @Adrian_Rockall for making the SwitchBot app for Homey :heart_eyes:. So far I added the SwitchBot Hub 2 using their Hub connection and also the SwitchBot Indoor/Outdoor Thermo-Hygrometer using BLE and everything works well. Iā€™m also planning to add their SwitchBot Lock

Any chance you will be looking at adding the new SwitchBot Mini Robot Vacuum K10+? and also their SwitchBot Pan/Tilt Cam in the future?

Thank you in advance,

I can look at adding the vacuum if itā€™s documented and you are willing to test it.

The camera should already be supported, but all it provides is a motion sensor. SwitchBot donā€™t allow anything else.

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Great, Obviously Iā€™m happy to test it. Looking at their API 1.1, their latest Robots Vacuum is not listed, but previous ones are (S1 and S1 +). Looking at their API, I guess many if not all will apply to their Mini K10 + as well but you will know that much better that me SwitchBotAPI/README.md at main Ā· OpenWonderLabs/SwitchBotAPI Ā· GitHub

I have a SwitchBot Contact Sensor, and am trying to connect via Bluetooth.
Worked fine on phone, did the firmware upgrade to 1.1
But cannot connect via Homeyā€™s ā€œContact Sensor (BLE)ā€ (does not find any device)ā€¦ of course setting it into pairing mode by pressing the button 2 seconds.

Any suggestions?
(have also Humidity/Temperature sensors, they worked like a charm ā€¦)

this fixed the ā€œinvalid response code: 190ā€ for me as well, thanks.

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No need to press the pairing button to add it to Homey.
Have you tried to move it closer to Homey just to make sure it is not a range issue?