[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 2.0.14, Test 2.0.17)

It was indeed a range issue … little disappointed: the humidity/temperature sensors have incredible range, the contact sensor is much worse here …

I would say the outside humidity and temperature sensors are exceptionally good. I have one in my freezer and one in the fridge, so encapsulated in a metal box and two rooms away. It would be great if all BLE devices were that good.

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I’m unable to connect to my Switchbot (HUB) account. I had initially created my Switchbot account using Google 3rd party sign-in. When I attempt to leverage that login during the device add flow, I get an authentication error:
Screenshot 2024-01-19 103756

Looking more deeply, it appears to be an oAuth issue:
Screenshot 2024-01-19 103854

Is this on the roadmap to be fixed, or am I doing something wrong? I’ve requested a deletion of my Switchbot account so I can create a new one that’s not linked to Google, but it takes 24 hours and my initial deletion request never went through.

Not being able to use a Google account is a known problem. I haven’t had any response from Switchbot in the past about it so I will try again.
The OAUTH2 login that’s used is provided officially by Switchbot, so I don’t know why it’s a problem. Although I write the app on behalf of Switchbot, I have no access to the cloud console.

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Thanks for the quick update. I’ve got my fingers crossed that my request for account deletion at Switchbot will actually sever my Google link so I can use a direct login.

If you hear of any “tricks” or folks at Switchbot who can help to facilitate that disconnect, let us know!

Thanks for your work!!!

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I’ve figured a workaround.

I wasn’t able to get the account to sufficiently delete to allow me to use an email-based login. If I input my Gmail address, it’d say that I’d created a 3rd party account and needed to use that instead…doomlooping me. I did submit a ticket to Switchbot, but thought I’d tinker a bit.

The great news is that the code (not sure if it’s in the app or on Switchbot’s side) DOES NOT understand the “Gmail dot trick.”

If I try to log in using ‘mygooglelogin@gmail.com’, I get the 3rd party redirect. But inject a dot into my email (ignored by Gmail…unless you’re using it as an inbound filter) like this: ‘mygoogle.login@gmail.com’ and Switchbot creates a new account for me which linked to the Homey Pro app perfectly. I use a password manager so having my credentials saved with a dot in them is no big deal. Any notifications still flow to my Gmail account and Homey tosses my curtains around like they’re natively controlled!!!

If they get around to replying to the deletion ticket, I’ll follow up, but for now you can get your Gmail account to work in the app’s current state.

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I just bought SwitchBot HUB 2 and I add one Air Conditioner to work with IR.

The Air Conditioner before adding to Homey works all the time.

Add to Homey works well, without any problem.

But after being added, stop working on both. Don’t work on Homey and also on Switchbot app.

Any idea what can be?

Thank you.

I have no idea. Homey is pretty passive and just sends command via the cloud to request signals to be sent. It has no way to alter the operation of the SwitchBot app.
Have you checked that nothing is blocking the IR signal?
Apart from that all I can suggest is to contact SwitchBot support.

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After test some different settings, the problem only happen when I add the IR command as a Switchbot template.

If I add manually the buttons it works correctly.

Thanks for the feedback.

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I have a K10 and I can help in testing if needed.

Could you follow this GitHub issue so everything for the K10 is in one place

Hi Adrian,

Version 1.1.43 running on homey cloud (bridge), crashing all the time. Seems that its autobreset, but a while lster it crash again. I already reinstalled it but that was no fix.

I’m only seeing 2 crash reports from today and they are cloud issues where the app instance was not found because the app had been destroyed. That normally happens when the app is uninstalled.
The previous crashes was 4 days ago, which was a cloud issue where access to the Homey server failed.
So I’m not seeing any reason for your crashes.
Can you think of anything that happens when it crashes to help me track sown where the problem might be?

Its currently crashed. And there is no change in my setup. However due to the crashes, i deleted the ble devices to see if that was the cause (and only keep the hub devices).

Just before it crashes, when trying to add switchbot devices in de homey app, it showed an error like my homey id was not recognized…

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Could you try the repair command on one of the cloud devices. maybe the token has expired and needs to be renewed. That happens once a year as SwitchBot put a 12 month expiry on the token.

I’m still not seeing any new crash report:

unfortunately i cannot do a repair as it said that the app is unavailable. so tomorrow i might delete the app and an hour later or do add it again

They probably auto reset the app as this morning the crash was gone, its running again

But i removed the ble devices. Rssi was -70 so maybe its too low signal causing issues

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Hi, I am unable to connect Switchbot Curtains 3 via hub. Does anyone know what to do please? Through the BLE connection I have a very long response time before the curtains start moving. Thank you

I have created scenes in the SwitchBot app to open and close the curtains (including one scene that opens one of the curtains 50%) and I run them via Homey using the ‘Then’ card created by the SwitchBot Homey app:

Works for any Switchbot device including Curtain 3. Response time is a second, or two.

[edit] Having said that, I had no problem adding my Curtain3s via hub using the SwitchBot Homey app (having added them to the SwitchBot phone app first).


So there’s no way to connect Curtains 3 via HUB connection like there was with Curtains 2? The only option is through a BLE connection or following the procedure you wrote?