[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 2.0.14, Test 2.0.17)


Maybe you could add a like or comment to see if we can show support for the request.

I will add.
So - Keypad is only “talking” (for now) with a lock, right? What a shame for Switchbot.


Would like to see an integration on keypad touch on my old homey pro?

I would like to trigger a flow depending on the status off my lock, is that possible?

Are you talking about the keypad or the lock?
The keypad has no feedback but the lock does.

What i would like to do is to trigger a flow when the lock deactivites.
When i look at the lock after i have unlocked it from the keypad the status doesn’t change in homey?
Therefore my flows won’t trigger!
Should the status normaly change in homey?

For me the locked state in the app changes within about 4 seconds of the lock changing. That’s with the keypad or the physical handle.

Could you open the app settings page, select the Log tab and change the Diagnostics Log option to Basic Information. Then restart the app and after a minute go back to the Log tab and tap on Send Log. I will verify the Webhook is being registered. Then clear the log and operate the lock via the keypad or handle. After about 20 seconds, tap on Send Log again.

Ok, I have the logs and can see the Webhook message but also an error. That’s probably why the state is not changing, so I will investigate what could be causing that.

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I have published a test version of the app that should fix the problem.

Ok, thank you so much i will try it later today!:sunglasses::+1:t2:

Vanligt med hälsningar Morgan

I have now tried with the new app and everything now works perfect!
Thank you so much for your fast support!

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Hi, which account do I need to use to login with the hub on homey?
I only have an switch bot app account and that is not working when I want to login.

Yes, your use your Switchbot account. Note the username and password are case sensitive so take care when entering your details

Hi Adrien, thanks for your reply. I have the app working now and have a outdoor temperature sensor added from the HUB.
This device is added 3 hours ago and didn’t update afterward… this interval is way to slow, is there a fix for this ?

The value should update as soon as it changes on the device.

Hi @Adrian_Rockall, I just bought a SwitchBot Lock with the Hub Mini 1 and I can’t connect it to Homey, I get an error message right after the login completes “Invalid response code: 190”, any idea how to fix it? I tested both the release and test versions.

Could you try enabling developer mode in the Switchbot mobile app.

I’m not sure why but that has helped in the past


Yep, that did the trick! Thank you very much for the blazing fast response and help!


Hi Adrian, maybe some useful information:

I have 2 switchbot curtains connected via BLE (no hub) on HP2023. I noticed that more often than not, only 1 of the 2 would open or close.
As a test, I have added restarts of the Switchbot app before each time a curtain flow would be executed, and for now that seems to have solved it (5 days now without failure). Of course it could still be a coincidence, but I am hopeful now.
If that really is the way for it to work, it could be an indication that there is something getting “stuck” in a queue or memory that is reset again after a restart of the app.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know.