[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 2.0.14, Test 2.0.17)

Hello Adrain,

Since yesterday I have purchased my first devices following Untertaker’s recommendation.
Unfortunately, neither Switchbot Support nor I have managed to integrate these into Homey.
I have all devices clean in the IOS APP, when I try to connect I only get the wrong user name, even though everything is written correctly.
The Homey APP still asks for the username, which I interpret as my nickname in the app?
Unfortunately, the options for registering via Google, Apple, etc. are not available in the Switchbot app.

The only authorisation method available via the API is the username and password, the others are not supported.
The actual login process is handled by Switchbot, so the page you see asking for credentials is served by Switchbot. The details you enter are then passed into Switchbot for validation and if it accepts them it posts a token pair back to the Homey app. So I have no control over the login process.

One other thing, do you have one of the Switchbot hubs?

Yes the HUB 1.

Thank you for the quick answer Andrian, then on the interface the term User will be the API key input mask?
Unfortunately, the API key for input doesn’t work with my data either.

Ok, thanks in your direction, I’ll stay tuned to Switchbot

I now have the solution, the user name (email) is completely case sensitive.

And the filling aid on the iPhone always used my standard. (everything in small bay letters)

Now it’s working.


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@Adrian_Rockall Hi Adrian, are you considering adding control for chromecast_google_tv to your app?
Would appreciate it very much, thanks in advance.

I’m not sure what that would look like. Is it a remote control?

It is a HDMI dongle to make a TV smart and to cast from mobile to TV, it has a bluetooth remote control.

If it is supported by the SwitchBot hub, then I can probably do something.
If it is, can you send me the Detected Log from the app settings page. Click on Get HUB Devices, when the list is populated, click on Send Log.

Hello Adrian,

After I integrated my first automation with Homey into Siri, I had the following problem:

In the flow, the If statement is the lock closed or open
Then open or close the lock.

When I start this, the lock loses its calibration and keeps moving back and forth but doesn’t lock or unlock. This is reproducible. I made a video of it.

Then the only solution is to remove the batteries and then recalibrate the lock.
Using the Switchbot app I can turn the function on/off as often as I want and it works.

I am very grateful to you for the app.

Could you share your Flow. I presume if you use the device tile to open and close it then it’s OK?

It looks like the Flow has gone into an endless loop somehow.

You’re welcome Adrian,
I integrated it into Siri as my favorite flow.

It checks when I start it via widgets:

IF the lock is closed

THEN open.

The same flow only in reverse for closing works without any problems

GREAT support!

DAs Schliessen geht

My German is not good, but it looks like you have the When locked card as the trigger, so its When locked Then unlock. If you have another Flow that does the opposite they will ping-pong between them.
Could you change the When cards to The Flow starts and add a Condition card for The lock is unlocked, etc.

Hi, thanks for the quick response,

my English is not good either :wink:

But we still understand each other.

I only had the two flows (open/close) and have now made a new one,
test it later.

and will report.

Of course, the close flow then comes into use, ohhh man forest and trees (German proverb)

Thanks for your help


You could put the close card in the Else part, then you just have one Flow.
Start the Flow, If it is open then close Else open.

@Adrian_Rockall is there any chance to support Switchbot Pro Keypad?

Unfortunately the keypads don’t report anything. I have requested that it provides information such as a code was entered (without revealing the code so no security issues), etc.

Ok. And what about via Hub mini or Hub 2. Is it possible to solve it in that way?

pt., 24 lis 2023, 12:31 użytkownik Adrian Rockall via Homey Community Forum <notifications@athom.discoursemail.com> napisał:

No, the information is just not provided.